my outdoor grow in india (12 latitude)


Well-Known Member
it depends on the seed. the landrace sativas from this country and i'm guessing other tropical countries seem to have a tendency to flower based more on their chronological age than the photoperiod. since it's around 11/13 to 13/11 all year they don't seem to give a fuck about how much sun/dark is there when they flower cause it's invariably enough. indica strains, we will have to see. as well as sativas whose genetics are from a country further up north, above 25 lat or so, they should start flowering sooner. ganj isn't strictly stuck to the 12/12 concept, its' just a general rule of thumb that invariably works well. some strains flower happily under 13/11 or even 14/10, others need longer hours of dark.


Well-Known Member
Will definately plant the autoflowers outdoor, but i do think that the NL and Big buds will get into a 12/12 cycle as soon as They sprout.. Well, will watch and see..

that's great man, nothing like realizing the value of the tropic sun : ) you'll want to plant the autoflowering seeds you get outdoors as well, because they'll do better under 12/12 tropic sun rather than 20/4 or even 24/0 under cfl. yield wise and quality wise. that's an educated guess on my part though, see if you can confirm that with anyone


Well-Known Member
i was watching another tropical grow, Venezuela or thereabouts, with bagseed from some indica like hybrid
it did flower soon and funny, flowered than began revegging, very strange, some indica's(maybe afghani) and the tropics may not mix well together
Hi, I'm planning an outdoor grow in India as well. In Delhi specifically. Was wondering when to start off outside because of the crazy temperatures through May and June. Could you advise basis yr experience in B'lore, though it's cooler down there but would be good to know.



Well-Known Member
Hey rope, yeah, delhi temp is amazingly high.. I am sure elchup would know everything there is to know about growing, but my two cents would be to get a green net over your plants to protect them from the extreme temps..


Active Member
Hey. Thought i'd pop in and pull up a chair. Very intresting stuff to see from another part of the world. Keep up the good work Elchup! +Rep!


New Member
thats fuckings cool. you guys are like the weed pioneers in india. quite an interesting story you have of weed in that region. best of luck to you and greetings from michigan.


Well-Known Member
beer, India is predominantly Hash country, but some of us prefer Pot.. The pot sold out here is always rubbed for hash first, so very hard to get a good batch of green..(Atleast for me).. I am a medical user, and was prescribed pot when I was in Canada, unfortunately, my luck here has been horrid and I have been sleepless for about a month now, hence the grow.. I do believe that Delhi is a lot more tolerant than Bangalore, but if there is a movement to go ditchweed or activism, it may spring up from South India.


New Member
damn i'd be scared shitless to grow illegally in another country. its terrible how these governments dont realize how beneficial medical marijuana is not just for medical reasons but its drives all costs way down. black markets are forced to lower their price because there is way more supply and better quality, and black market dealer's profits really take a hit. where i live right now, medical is the same price as home grown was 10-15 years ago. if it werent for medical, with inflation from back then to now, i bet it would be over 50% more expensive. not only that but home grown medical in the area is way better than home grown 10-15 years ago because more people do legally and do a better job at it cause they care about a quality product and not just a quick cash crop. also whats nice with medical is it's like immunity from the cops. so as long as you stay within your plants and usable product amount. and also only deal with people that have medical cards, no black market. it makes the state a LOT of money. it keeps people out of jail big time. pot is a powerful thing. people will do whatever it takes to obtain it and the law never stops them even if it means getting caught. a LOT of people are involved with it. a LOT of people are not going to jail.


Well-Known Member
words of wisdom, but in the light of the current situation i'm a little preoccupied. the biggest bitch has decided to stop growing pistils and focus her energy on growing balls. gotta give her the chop today or tomorrow


New Member
personally edibles from leaves and such dont really get me that high. maybe i was doing something wrong though. been years since i tried that way. i actually give it all away. i make all my edibles with sugar leaves and lower smaller buds on the plant.


Well-Known Member
Hi, I'm planning an outdoor grow in India as well. In Delhi specifically. Was wondering when to start off outside because of the crazy temperatures through May and June. Could you advise basis yr experience in B'lore, though it's cooler down there but would be good to know.

haha i'm glad ppl are talkin about growin in india online now, hopefully in time ppl will have info online when they need it...hmm bro there are lots of strains that can take the heat...i've heard that mandala strains are good for advice would be to get one of those seeds which have a kashmir/afghan landrace because i think that's a lot closer to your weather than mine, correct me if i'm wrong, not too sure about how humid delhi gets...but i guess it's more dry than it is here?

on another note, my largest plant seems to have hermied, but it doesn't seem to be anything that i did because i've been pretty damn careful with it, i figure it's just a tendency of the strain. going to get out the good old 5 rs axo blade and chop away. meanwhile, i am ordering more seeds. the purple widow i got completely fucking tanked, terrible batch of seeds, they looked weak too, really light colour...them nirvana seeds were good though, i'm inclined to go for nirvana again, probably will try wonder woman fem...and then either a strain from mandala or barney's farm, probably barney's farm because i don't have space and time to wait for mandala's regular seeds to show their gender and i've heard that their regular seeds are a LOT better than their femmed ones, apparently they agree themselves...from barney's farm i'm considering acapulco gold, blue cheese, sweet tooth, or laughing buddha, any suggestions?


New Member
haha i'm glad ppl are talkin about growin in india online now, hopefully in time ppl will have info online when they need it...hmm bro there are lots of strains that can take the heat...i've heard that mandala strains are good for advice would be to get one of those seeds which have a kashmir/afghan landrace because i think that's a lot closer to your weather than mine, correct me if i'm wrong, not too sure about how humid delhi gets...but i guess it's more dry than it is here?

on another note, my largest plant seems to have hermied, but it doesn't seem to be anything that i did because i've been pretty damn careful with it, i figure it's just a tendency of the strain. going to get out the good old 5 rs axo blade and chop away. meanwhile, i am ordering more seeds. the purple widow i got completely fucking tanked, terrible batch of seeds, they looked weak too, really light colour...them nirvana seeds were good though, i'm inclined to go for nirvana again, probably will try wonder woman fem...and then either a strain from mandala or barney's farm, probably barney's farm because i don't have space and time to wait for mandala's regular seeds to show their gender and i've heard that their regular seeds are a LOT better than their femmed ones, apparently they agree themselves...from barney's farm i'm considering acapulco gold, blue cheese, sweet tooth, or laughing buddha, any suggestions?
i had barney's farm sweet tooth. it was very easy to grow and produced nice. not too long of a flowering time either. one thing though, potency was for shit compared to a lot of other strains. a friend of mine had acapulco gold and it was pretty decent. tangerine dream is fucking awesome!


Well-Known Member
i'll vet Nirvana's regs, those have worked well for me
i haven't grown any of their femmes, but seen plenty of complaints, often it's a strain by strain deal
nirvana is a bunch of different breeders, it's a coop, breeders come and go over time


Well-Known Member
yeah? i got nirvana's papaya regs and they're goin pretty good man but are there really a lotta problem with their femmes?
think i should just stick with barney's farm? and how's greenhouse?


Well-Known Member
Whats that drink they make in India to drink cannabis? I heard it's pretty good.Like Chia tea with cannabis.