My Own Meds


Active Member
Hey all, after getting my card in November, going through all the learning curve, I have finally harvested a dececent crop of meds. I should be imbibing in a few weeks. It sure feels good to be growing my own meds. Stay healthy my brothers.
If you need info on caregivers call RIPAC. I hear there is a shortage of meds out there. I have a less then perfect first harvest that I think I will gift. I will probably let Joanne from RIPAC diseminate to the patients in the most need. I think that is legal, but Joanne will know.
Dude, that's awesome. Congrats!!

Careful w/ Joanne, she's not trusted by too many in the community anymore
after that comment I would like to see something to it. Personally speaking Unless I know you I cant speak for anyone. But you should follow up with alittle info after saying such things
Jesus, where would I begin, the $400 ounces for patients or her calling the caregivers "the shady element" on the 6 oclock news. RIPAC has very few fans left, myself included. I've been dealing with RICC, much nicer element there.
Lol she is the one who convinced me 200 a o for patients is the way to go. So ill look all this up today.
I think she meant well in the beginning and I understand some things are beyond her control but if you put your name on something, you own it. I won't talk poorly of her, I'll just leave it here, but let it be known that there are other alliances out there where patients can get quality info