My Own Thread


Well-Known Member
Thanks alot man, maybe sometime :joint: :shock: It is a strange grower. Starts out really weak looking I've noticed. Then it starts bringing the frost and next thing you know it's about done. Everything looks 10x better this time than last to me, can't wait to get some later flower shots.

All of these recent pics have been from the 3-6 1/2 week range.


Well-Known Member
DSCN1173.jpgBlue chubblegum kushIt's a girl:) another one with same structure. hoping for a male. later it shows sex the better for males right?


Well-Known Member
hahaha..thanks vape. I think??:-o

thanks abe, my camera has been getting a serious workout hasn't it? the ms isn't working right now so I've had a little more spare time.. maybe the pics can help me land a job at a hydro store or something LoL


Well-Known Member
are u applying the bokeh in post? (background blur) GJ if so most people butcher that on plants cause all the leaf differences.


Well-Known Member
No I haven't messed around with really anything besides trying to get clear macros.. Idk if my camera is cool enough to do much else? open to tips though