My Perpetual Zero-Veg Op


Well-Known Member

I'm a little tuckered out. ten hour day arranging plants, and I still have a lot of clean up AND I didn't get my fourth turbogarden operating. I guess it can wait until next week.

4 NLxSkunk on the left, 6 White Russians on the right, and mix of skunk, WR, and 2 chronic plants in the middle.

I believe I'll have a drink now.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I just got the replacement glass for the new hood. It arrived safely. I also got the replacement bulbs because they sent the wrong ones the first time. They sent the wrong bulbs again! And when I called them up they told me to keep them AGAIN. AND they are upgrading my order to Sunmaster bulbs instead of the Agromax that I ordered. So I guess I'm set for lamps. Must be time to ugprade some ballasts. . . .:D


Well-Known Member
Oh, yeah and I chopped down 5 mothers. They were getting way out of hand with their ceaseless yapping demands for water and nutrients. I had to add almost 5 gallons a day to the big table. It's always hard to cut down big plants without flowering them, but I'm really not into it. Trying to just have two behemoths for each strain I'm running. Now I have to work on reducing their height.


Well-Known Member
what size pots do you use for your sog plants? Also, how much do you get off each chronic plant?
Pretty close to an ounce. I think I can do better. The White Russian looks like it will be more than that. The skunk, not so much, but I enjoy it so. . .

I use 5 inch square pots. Their only problem is that flowering plants can get pretty top heavy, so if your plant is a little unbalanced, it can be a problem (hydroton everywhere, lol)


Well-Known Member
The Chronic grows into a bigger plant. And I haven't grown it in winter yet, so less than ideal conditions. Probably the Chronic in a head to head will yield more, but WR is supposed to be kill. Plants are more compact and uniform too, which is good for my purposes. I'm going to start flowering some Chronic when this run is finished up in another 4 weeks or so.


Well-Known Member
I think I'm standing pat with three strains right now. It takes so damn long to bring a new one on line if you are only growing clones. I cracked beans back at the beginning of August, and I'm not going to see that harvested for three more weeks, so almost 5 months to grow mothers, clone and flower.

I've seen lots of people on here (more lately) who are going strain crazy. Half the new threads on here are about someone's attitude order or a grow journal with somebody doing ten strains they just bought when they should be concentrating on learning how to grow one well.