My ph is 7.0...What should it be?


Active Member
I'm growing a monster sativa cross and am not sure what the ph should be.Will be grateful for any suggestions and adjustment info.I have two girls in a 40 gal. pot outside.Both have lots of pre-flowers and look great.They're over my head with lost of grow time left.The only pic is from a month ago.Thanks in advance.



I keep my PH at around 6. People say around 6-6.5.

Your soil may be an entire different PH than what your watering with, though. You should PH test your run off to see what your soil ph is and make adjustments from there.


Active Member
mines at 7.2!!!!,lol.mine has done great,there in flower right now,i was told some do well at high ph and some dont...


Active Member
Thanks guys. I've tested it 3 times and it's always the same.The water I use is neutral. I'll check the runoff anyway. Thanks again.