MY PH = major spikes! Thoughts to keep it constant?

Hey guys,

I'm doing my first grow hydroponically using the Bubble Ponics system and
I'm having some major pH issues. I'm using City water and I think it has tons of minerals in it, which is causing my pain...:wall:

The reason I'm saying it has a lot of minerals; I Went on vacation a few months ago leaving, a glass of water on the table next to my bed. When I came back the water level in the glass had dropped leaving a heavy chalk like ring where the previous water level existed.

Anyway, My pH will not stay below 7.5 for more than 4 hours. I adjust it down and it comes back up. I don't have anything foreign in the tank, just the things you are supposed too.

I w
as wondering if anyone had any luck with
Ammonia Control absorbent packets you can find in a pet store for aquariums? They look like little sponges in a wrapper. Or has anyone used Ammonia control pellets and in their tank?

Anything Else I can use?
Any Advice?

Happy Holidays,



Well-Known Member
Well I would throw all that garbage out and invest in Hempy Buckets. Any idiot can grow dope in those contraptions. I am living proof:)


Well-Known Member
I think you are going to need to use ro water.
yep on hempy buckets and yep on distilled water ull never get that water below 7.5 because it has heavy lime deposits and chloramine in it and will kill mj u ph down it rises u ph down it rises its due 2 tha lime ..


Elite Rolling Society
You invited me here in a PM, but I am going to answer you in a PM instead of arguing here.