My pharmasist thinks my doctor is dumb.


Well-Known Member
So I go to the pain clinic for the first time today for my initial consult. Long story short. Doc puts me on two new meds knowing what I currently take. The combination he is wanting me to take absolutely blows my mind. I'm afraid it'll put me in a freaking coma. 3 massive downers. I pick up my persceiptions and ask to speak to the pharmasist.

He goes over each one individually. He's a very nice Indian guy I've been dealing with for a couple of years now.

Pharm: This one make you sleepy, don't drive, only take at night. This one don't drive, it make you very sleepy, confused, you wake up very groggy.
Me: Those two seem pretty bad, won't they be bad to take with my normal two meds?
Pharm: oh...uh...yea...
Me: Like am I going to wake up in the morning? Could this kill me?
Pharmasist: uh...yes, but if it does you let me know.
Me: But I'll be dead, I won't be able to let you know.
Pharm: it is OK, your wife will let me know.
Me: But seriously?
Pharm: do not take these two at all. Your doctor is dumb.
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Well-Known Member
In this case its really the pharmd being dumb.

Doctorsfigure out whats wrong, the troubleshooting.. pharmacists treat, dispense, and prevent drug interactions working with your doctor (hopefully) and inform you..

The problem, in the medical system today the pharmacists role has been seperated. The doctor did not spend the time learning about meds, the pharmacist did not spend the time learning what the md did.. so on both sides of the field they try to play both
the doctor is not really at fault.

But what were the meds, dosage and time on them?


Well-Known Member
In this case its really the pharmd being dumb.

Doctorsfigure out whats wrong, the troubleshooting.. pharmacists treat, dispense, and prevent drug interactions working with your doctor (hopefully) and inform you..

The problem, in the medical system today the pharmacists role has been seperated. The doctor did not spend the time learning about meds, the pharmacist did not spend the time learning what the md did.. so on both sides of the field they try to play both
the doctor is not really at fault.

But what were the meds, dosage and time on them?
here watch this for me and then tell me again that doctors pay attention to what they are doing and aware of the medication they prescribe


Well-Known Member
I just said they are not "aware"
Which is why the doctor is ot at fault, thats not his role
the doctor is at fault and its not the pharmacists role to to interact with the doctors they just dispense the pills the only good thing is at least the pill pushers pay attention to the label
just watch the video it's short and they give you a website to check how your doctor is getting payed


Well-Known Member
No, pharm techs that went to a little 2 year technical school dispense and fill prescriptions.

Pharmacist for a very long time, i know the role....


Well-Known Member
You know wwhen you smoke so much, resin lines your nostrils and you blow your nose while tripping and yiu freak the fuck out?


Well-Known Member
Dude just call your doc and talk to him/her. Docs make mistakes just like pharmacies do.
somebody told me a joke a ways back, and it applies to many professions..
what do you call the student who graduates LAST in medical school.
they call him DOCTOR.
with enough money and time, ANYBODY could be a doctor..
same joke applies to lawyers, AUTO TECHNICIANS, therapists, etc, etc.
I can't recall EVER learning something about my malady that I didn't already research prior
but that's the ultra-nerd in me