my plant are dying please help


Well-Known Member
Wait til they show signs of recovering and then pluck em off...usually they just fall on their own, you just don't want to stress them out anymore


Well-Known Member
My opinion..... I do not know the problem but I'd get them into final containers, whatever size you wanted. They look oversized (rootbound) for your containers which look 1-2 quart. Put them in your final potting soil in a larger container. Check pH of medium.

There is something nutrient-wise going on they do not like. Give them a fresh environment of a larger container with some new potting soil and no nutes. Trim all leaves that are 50% yellow or affected.

Just my opinion.

Mr. Hightimez

Active Member
just transplanted the girls into 5 gallon bags and gave them some good old plain water.Hopefully things will start to look better in a couple days.Thanks for all the help it was much appreciated.

Mr. Hightimez

Active Member
okay well its been eight days since i transplanted and they are really starting to take off. my critical + has almost doubled in size and the 2 white widows have grown pretty well and theyre starting to bush up. but i still have yellow leaves on the new growth and some are starting to get brown spots. i heard this is a cal and mag deficiency. also my leaves are really tough and brittle. any idea what that is ? ill post pics so you guys and gals can look for yourself. also i would like to let you no my grow a little so you no what im working with. i have a 2x4x5 mother room with a 4 bulb t5 fixture. for the veg room i have a 2x4x6 room with a 250w hps in it. then for the flower room i have a 2x4x6 grow tent with a 600w hps. im looking to upgrade the flower room but i gotta work with what i got. my grow medium is pro mix bx and im growing in grow bags starting from 1/2 gallon and then being transplanted in 3 gallon for the remainder of their lives. 5 gallons bags for the mothers. i have fox farm nutes. tiger bloom big bloom and grow big.thats about it so any help will be very appreciated. thanks everbody.IMG_0256.jpgIMG_0266.jpgIMG_0265.jpgIMG_0264.jpgIMG_0263.jpgIMG_0262.jpgIMG_0261.jpgIMG_0260.jpgIMG_0259.jpgIMG_0258.jpgIMG_0257.jpgIMG_0254.jpgIMG_0255.jpgIMG_0267.jpg