Jack Package
If that stick is, in fact, a clone you purchased, i would pursue a refund. Looks like you're growing match sticks...
I can tell from ur pics that you have your light too far away, as ur plant is WAY stretched. One CFL is fine for now but you will need more as ur plant gets bigger. I currently have 4 CFL's on a 2ft plant and I'm gonna need more.
hey Babyk, That is some serious shtick you got there!!
Seriously though, you wonder why there is all this talk about a stick when the pictures you put up are mostly, STICK
for f**ks sake!
as for your plants... I know feck all about soil, I'm a hydro man. but the lights you're using are way too weak. 100 watt??? my freezer light has more power than that!!!
1 watt = 1 gramme
try a hps 400 watt. I use a 600 watt hps and it seems to do the trick!
lol thanks . and yeah people have told mee .I like how u propped it up w a stick. It's very Japanese. I think it looks fine. U got some good advice here. Did anyone say not to overwater it? It bears repeating. Have fun
i dont understand about the stick its just a stick there is clearly a plant right infront of it ... and okk..
I was pointing out why people are making fun of the plant, because the stick is so much bigger!! doh!
I still think your light is not powerful enough. more lumens = more weed. Fact.!
by the way, Best of luck Babyyk!
no offense mate but try doing some research on growing before posting for a start 12/12 that early come on pal20/4 or 18/6 pal
yeaaa well no offense your the only one outta everyone ive talked to thats said that , theres no need to be rude. at one point you didnt know what to do so give me a breakk.