My plant is going crazy. Seriously Need Help! (pics/Vid)

Ok well i awake from my 7th day of flowering and my Brainstorm plant has very upwardly curled leaves that are upside down and turning crispy. Idk whats going on because im a nubbie.

running a 1000W MH. I dont think its heat problem because its pretty cool in there and the most damage happens when i wake up to turn the lights back on (12/12) and the plant looks awful. I am growing 3 different strains my first time.

Brainstorm (left). Vanilla Kush(middle). AK48(right)

Ive been Changing my Reservior out every 5-7 days and keeping the parts hydrogen around 6. Im using General Hydroponics Nutes (should i add more?) I hav air stones in the res ( should i add H2O2 for more O2 to the plants?)


Have you checked your pH lately? Also MH is not a very good light for flowering being that the light output from them is mostly in the blue spectrum (good for vegging no so much for flowering). you might want to supplement the light with some 2700k CFL's to help out in the red spectrum. How far away if your light? You said that it wasn't getting to hot in there but you might want to take a thermometer and leave there for a bit and see that the actual temp is


Active Member
It appears to only be happening with your tallest plant. 9 times out of 10 it's a heat issue, and you just need to raise the light a little to alleviate the problem. Otherwise, the plants look great. A 1000w should be at least 2 feet above the plants, and closer to 3 ft. is ideal.


Active Member
it just looks like your ph is off to me.. and add a fan that blows on top of the plants to help out 2.
dont forget that your plants droop really bad over night, if you are concerned because they look over watered (droopy) dont, thats normal shit, alot of strains look like they are dying when they are sleeping.

"running a 1000W MH. I dont think its heat problem because its pretty cool in there and the most damage happens when i wake up to turn the lights back on (12/12) and the plant looks awful. I am growing 3 different strains my first time." If the only problem is they look funny in the early morn then its fine.

Also, if YOU are having to turn the lights on every morning by hand,,, YOU NEED A TIMER BRO, BAD!! what if you over sleep?
dont forget that your plants droop really bad over night, if you are concerned because they look over watered (droopy) dont, thats normal shit, alot of strains look like they are dying when they are sleeping.

"running a 1000W MH. I dont think its heat problem because its pretty cool in there and the most damage happens when i wake up to turn the lights back on (12/12) and the plant looks awful. I am growing 3 different strains my first time." If the only problem is they look funny in the early morn then its fine.

Also, if YOU are having to turn the lights on every morning by hand,,, YOU NEED A TIMER BRO, BAD!! what if you over sleep?
Yea i think my problem was pH. Yea im still accumulating gear as i go along so ill end up buying some timers. What kinda lights can i get to help out with the red spectrum?