My plant is going on 2 months no signs of gender and strang leaves growing


MY plant is currently going on 6 weeks with no signs of gender also with every new set of leaves when the branches grow out theres 2 leaves between each branch i started with cfl lights but my fixture broke so now i have them outside which is my first time really growing outside please let me know if im just wasting my time

the burn on the leaves is from the cfl lighting when i had it


Well-Known Member
bro it is flowering. When the light cycle goes to 12 hours( like right now), below the 18/6 at least that pot likes it will start to shoot out terminal growth. horizontal growth if u will. dont throw it out let it go. Doesnt hurt much to flower for 2 weeks, then you will know for sure if its a female cause you will see some pistols pop out.


Well-Known Member
Try to give the new growth some light and in 2-3 days you should see a single leaf or a branch form.If a single leaf forms its a male though it already looks male to me from the lack of branches. Just wait it out.


Well-Known Member
That's how it is supposed to grow bro...No it's not flowering, lol....those little leaves coming out of the huge fan leaves will soon be lateral branches. They just haven't gotten enough might see them start to grow faster since you switched to much light exposure per day?


Well-Known Member
also i forghot to add that going from CFLS to sunlight will shock it a lot because its bad to change lighting from artificial to not. it is good for the first two days to keep it in a shady-ish spot with maybe 2 max hours of direct sun. I think u will be fine, but try and get those leaves to stop dropping by not watering too much, but still making sure it is being watered (moisture meter or the pickup and guess if it needs water method). letting the soil get a little dry here and there is good the plant will love it. Be sure to also cut those burnt leafs when they start to yellow up. this means the plant got a lil energy out of them before it wanted to ditch them. never keep dead leaves in your soil it will attract unwanted bugs.


Well-Known Member
I'd somehow make that pot more full with soil too man....always fill it almost to the top you want the most room for roots possible, especially now that it's outside.


Thank you i needed the advice but also if i switched to hps lights witch im planning on getting soon would it do any damage as well??


Well-Known Member
lol switching back and forth between lights is definitely gonna stress it, but if you put it on 18/6 light and keep it vegging for a few weeks more, the stress will go away...but vegging it more will require a bigger pot for sure. I would not flower it right now as is...just gonna throw it into stress which would make it possibly hermaphrodite


Well-Known Member
Yea 5 gallons and some good strong light will get her going. Just be sure not to overwater