My Plant is Into Bondage...


Well-Known Member
hheheheh down killa lol your right he shouldn't say such mean things as to hurt your pride. any ways i thiink youll be satisfied with your bud 1. you grew it. and 2. fuck every one elses bud


Well-Known Member
haha na. i wasnt sayin "neva mind" like that... ive done my first 3 grows with CFL's.. im just sayin you wont get 2-3 O's a plant with um...


Active Member
here are a couple updated photos.... starting to turn pretty :)

clone is doing well - i'll grab a photo of her in a minute!

looks good to me.... the yellowing you saw initially was partly due to the over ferts that you mentionned and combined with the fact that you are using the bonsai technique... these two factors combined put alot of stress on your hopefully its a female..... ooops shhhhh

edit: oh yeah looks great now so you are doing something right


Well-Known Member
i have a cone doing the same thing right now i dont know i just dont know if the roots hav put down yet and if thy have illhave to flush my clone as its probly got a lock out sionce its in ff it should be pulling nutes from the soil for a few weeks,,
you know, i have water that i boiled and then let sit out for like a week, just to use on the plant, but i get high and forget and use tap water. its making me crazy, i always realize what i did right after i do it. at that point should i just forget it, or should i flush out with the boiled water?
Ha that's an all too often theme of my life. I have a water purifier I use then I boil that shit now it's sitting in a big cooler with some FloraNova nute. I read something about a reverse osmosis machine or some shit but even if it's cheap it cost more than I can afford.


generally takes about 4 to 5 weeks veg and then another 5 to 10 days at 12/12 to sex em! this plants looks relatively healthy not very tall but i guess is you like bonsai,lol

the height concerns me for over all yeild tho...generally ppl start sexin em about like i said 4 to 5 weeks between heights of anywhere from 8 to 12 inches is possible. after about 5 to ten days under 12/12 lighting you should see definite pistils or "balls" for lack of better wording,lol...get a magnifying glass if ya can, it helps in the early stage of sexin em... ya don't want a lil male to surpise ya! I know folks that use 12/12 all the way thru after that stage , till the end...which can be anywhere from 4to 6 weeks on up to 10 or 12 depending on species and conditions.

good luck!


here are a couple updated photos.... starting to turn pretty :)

clone is doing well - i'll grab a photo of her in a minute!

Kimmisan , how do you achieve the Bonsai effect, i think it looks so nice!
and after all girls, if we can do it pretty we should,lol
btw i loved the notation you did about forgetting you water,lol

it's a good day to smoke!



Well-Known Member
glad to see everythings going good for ya. cant wait to see her when shes done.... you did a real nice job on the low stress training.. Pe@ce...


Well-Known Member
thanks everyone for your help and suggestions and stuff !

she is doing awesome - i have her pinned down so low she's only about 1.5" tall at the tallest point, with NINE COLAS. Is that a lot for one lil plant?

Also, what am i supposed to do with my clone? Just throw it into flowering and get one bud?


Well-Known Member
yes you can put it in flower onces its rooted ( when it perkes up and puts up new set of leaves its rooted) or you can veg it and bonsai it and flower when the other ones part way done or do what ever its just like anoy other plant once its rooted