My plant is sick, please help :(

Hi Growers,
this is my first plant ever, it's in 4th week flowering.
it's growing nicely but lately it's beginning to show these white spots on the leaves as you can see in the photo.
what are these spots and how harmful are they? how to get rid of them?
you help is appreciated.



Well-Known Member
looks like a spider mite infestation, as fandango says get a loupe and check the underside of your leafs, here's a pic of a plant from google that has a spider mite infestation and its very similar to yours mite.jpg.
Important to note the ramdomness of the pattern here, is indicative of 'white fly' chill if youre thinking it was nute burn ...foilar spray neem my blog:

ps also yellow strips hanging above offers cheap good defense

actually they are yellow ropes, coming from the bottom, to keep the plant from growing tall, I took the photo from above
Important to note the ramdomness of the pattern here, is indicative of 'white fly' chill if youre thinking it was nute burn ...foilar spray neem my blog:

ps also yellow strips hanging above offers cheap good defense
thanks man, but sorry, your link is not working, when I click it it says
"Rollitup - Error

You do not have permission to view this page or perform this action."

why is that?


Well-Known Member
Neem oil is a natural insecticide Azadirachtin (Aza_Direct_Tin)

Neem oil is extracted from the nut of the neem tree (Azadirachta indica). The tree is native to India but is now being grown in a number of tropical and semi-tropical countries.

The neem tree has many uses in traditional medicine, hygene and as a source of natural insecticide. The active insecticidal component of neem oil is a chemical called azadirachtin. Neem oil insecticides exhibit very low mammalian toxicity and have many uses for control of pests of food crops as well as on landscape and greenhouse ornamental pests. Neem oil insecticides stop insect feeding and interfere with their normal development.

Neem oil insecticide solutions are made by mixing an oil concentrate (usually 3-4.5% azadirachtin) with water. The oil is sometimes combined with insecticidal soap to enhance the activity of both.

Always check the product label carefully but most neem oil insecticides can be effectively used for aphids, army worms, many leaf-feeding insects such as root weevil adults, leafminers, thrips and whiteflies. Sprays can be used on many vegetable crops as well as spices and herbs, small fruits and berries, stone fruits and tropical fruits.(Jack DeAngelis, Ph.D.)

Ps. Don't use on MJ during the last 2 weeks of bud, as it will affect the taste..ugh...


Due to unwanted troll activity, please leave comments, good or bad in my Inbox, thank you, "V"

Jan 1, 2014 Report
BxHaZe87 likes this.

  • vostok Jan 17, 2014For a quick response, add half a teaspoon of Neem Oil to a pint hand sprayer(pump bottle) fill with warm water, shake, a spray your plants well 2 times a day, until the issue has gone, this provides great protection against molds and insect problems, just don't apply it within 2 weeks of harvest as Neem Oil is an acquired taste

    Never garden without neem good for bugs and mold, can even conceal smell to a degree, just not so close to harvest as Neem is an acquired taste

  • vostok Mar 13, 2014anaDyna-Gro Pure Neem Oil Natural Insecticide Size: 8 Ounces Price: $12.55
    Neem oil leaf polish solution.100% Natural, free of water and additives.Simple to use and biodegradable

  • vostok Mar 13, 2014
    Q: Neem Oil came yesterday. However, when I opened the cap, it is solid and not liquid. Is this normal?

    A:yes, because its cold out there! It will liquify when you put it in a warm place. you can put the container in a bucket of hot water to liquify it !

    Q: Is it full strength or concentrated?

    A:This product is concentrated, and has to be diluted before use. The ratio of neem to water is on the label.

    Q:So my understanding is this is 100% neem oil and no other additives into it?

    A:Correct, active ingredients on the label listed as 100.0% neem oil. No water or additives.

  • vostok Apr 22, 2014

  • vostok May 24, 2014
    I've been using Neem oil now for 3-4 years, and am of the opinion that with some bugs, namely those that suck sap from plants, Aphids, etc Neem does a poor job, I intend to experiment with a forthcoming grow, of adding 5ml (1 teaspoon) of Neem Oil to a gallon of water on each watering, as with the application of Neem via hand sprayer, the sprayer coats the plant but does not actually penetrate the plant at all, hence sap suckers, like a mosquito/aphids/etc can insert their proboscis's, under the plants skin and get to the sap, draining the plant of vital sugars, had the Neem been in the sap, this would have deterred the bug, I don't know of any other organic pest controllers that are systemic you?
  • ive copied and pasted it for you :)


Active Member
I would use neem if it's only that far into flowering, otherwise I hang a no pest strip in my tent seems to keep everything away

Michael Huntherz

Well-Known Member
I would use neem if it's only that far into flowering, otherwise I hang a no pest strip in my tent seems to keep everything away
You don't want to leave them in there full time, nasty stuff. They work though, and if you're this early in flower run with neem and a day or two with a no pest strip and you should be ok. NPS have on them a warning not to hang anywhere people reside for more than four hours a day, and they fill over 1000' sq ft, so I'd use caution with them.


Active Member
You don't want to leave them in there full time, nasty stuff. They work though, and if you're this early in flower run with neem and a day or two with a no pest strip and you should be ok. NPS have on them a warning not to hang anywhere people reside for more than four hours a day, and they fill over 1000' sq ft, so I'd use caution with them.
Agree with that it goes in my tent for a hour or so and then back out into the basement, no one resides in my basement so it's fine, there are warning on it for that. Never had any problem as far as it changing taste or anything like that for the buds, or me feeling anything from being down there an hr or so to water etc. If it's in his room or a small area then yea it wouldn't be good to be around all the time. Couldn't even get them shipped to my state anymore took train into city to pick a few up, seems to be everything trying to get inside soon as seasons changing.


Well-Known Member
actually they are yellow ropes, coming from the bottom, to keep the plant from growing tall, I took the photo from above

Yellow Sticky Strips, Pest Control, Pack of 25 $14.50

not these
Hot Shot 5580 No Pest Strip Unscented Hanging Vapor Insect Repellent

Cause ya dick will turn blue and then DIE! here:

Dichlorvos or 2,2-dichlorovinyl dimethyl phosphate.....It is also used in pet collars and "no-pest strips" in the form of a pesticide-impregnated plastic.....
....Conclusive evidence of carcinogenicity exists.....A 2010 study found that each 10-fold increase in urinary concentration of organophosphate metabolites was associated with a 55% to 72% increase in the odds of ADHD in children....

Stick to neem oil as your savorier ...


Well-Known Member
Hi Growers,
this is my first plant ever, it's in 4th week flowering.
it's growing nicely but lately it's beginning to show these white spots on the leaves as you can see in the photo.
what are these spots and how harmful are they? how to get rid of them?
you help is appreciated.
Bro it's thing to kill them is spinosad...Monterey Garden has the highest % and it's at .5's organic as well...if your going to use neem make sure you emulsify it...I actually had thrips not to long ago and ordered Monterey garden, but I was using the need before it came and it did kill them but I also killed a lot of my plant it suffocated the leaves if it's left to thick...imo spino sad is way easier to use