My plant is taking forever to finish!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Ok so i planted a handfull of bagseeds about 4 months ago. One month for veg and 2 for flowering. All of my plants finshed around 3 months execpt one. This plant is taking forever must be the strain or somthing. It has been flowering now over 3 months and still is covered in white hairs. Can sombody tell me what to do if i should just wait it out or what. I dont have time for this lol i want to start a new batch... Here are some pics of her tell me what you think thanks.....



Well-Known Member
realy well its been flowering for 12 weeks dam how much longer could it actually take... and do think its going to be some good smoke cause my other plants were but im pretty sure there were all indica...


Well-Known Member
IF you can wait it out, this could be very well worth the wait, as you should end up with the real thing sativa-wise . . . a feat often failed due to impatience w/same.


Active Member
always check what strains ya gonna grow so ya dont end up with a plant that takes months to flower.

but its defo a sativa dominant plant by the look of it so it will be worth the wait id stick it out mate


Well-Known Member
LOL it shouldnt be that much longer i say 14 weeks give it another 2 weeks.. its going to be be some good smoke. you should really get a pocket microscope and check the trichome colour it should be half amber half cloudy,


Well-Known Member
yea i just bought a microscope but i realy dont know what to look for or where to look.... but yea the plant smells so good and the buds are soo fat it makes the hole plant lean over lol it looks like i'll get a good amount off of it any guesses on the yeild??? but i will definelly wait it out i hope it wont be more than 2 to 3 weeks... but is sativa plants more potent than indica or does it just depend on the strain.. i cant wait for it to get done....


Well-Known Member
Scope works best if you snip a few small bits off, place those on a white surface, place scope guide over snipping, then adjust.