my plant is too bushy


Well-Known Member
it has no height? short and too many leaves i want it to get big not short and leafy.

i only have 1 25watt CFL w/ reflector on it, i don't want to add more lights as i want it to stretch a little taller.

i think it got a little nute burn but seems to be growing a lot of new leaves but it's not growing tall. why? its ice from nirvana.

only has 3 fingers on each leaf? weird..



Well-Known Member
i would be all my plants always grow too talll and not bushy enough..give it time that shit will get taller.. wat strain is it?


Active Member

It could just be the strain of plant you have. The plant looks pretty healthy so I wouldnt worry too much about it. It will grow enormous once you go into flowering stage. My plants looked the exact same way when they were young and ended up hitting quite a spurt later. I think as long as you keep it healthy it will get up there. Just give it some time. I believe indica strains only end up around 3 ft tall or so and that could be what you have. Just my 2 cents. Keep up the good work.

On another note, it looks like you may either have a little nute burn or it may be time to add some nutes. Those bottom leaves dont look very happy.


Active Member
Relax... she looks good. The 3 fingers is kinda odd. Never seen that before... but otherwise, she looks healthy.

Once you throw her into bloom she will sprout another 2 feet.

Good Luck.


Well-Known Member
it's ice.

i don't know how i could of nute burned them. i only put like 1/4 strength of nutes (about a week ago). it said 3tsp per gal and i added 3/4 tsp per gal. ph is around 6

i have 2 more plants like this (little younger) and they are also short, they have a lot of roots for small plants..


Active Member
Well I think they are looking good so far. I just put my plants into flower on Friday of last week and they have already doubled in size. Just keep them healthy and happy and trust me they will grow huge later.

Also, in a few months let me know how that ice turns out. I was eyeing that earlier and may grow that next. I am growing some WW right now and I can't wait to get some nugs off of it.


Well-Known Member
i have a 250 watt MH/HPS but imo i think it's too much light right now, it will stunt growth i think if i put it on her.

.. or am i wrong and she will grow faster? 20" inches away i was thinking...


Well-Known Member
she got wider since yesterday, and today i noticed the new leaves toward the top have 5 fingers and the lower ones only have 3 fingers.. it's only 2-3 inches high and width is over 8 inches.

also put a couple pics of a couple younger plants i have.. all short and leafy. this is my first time growing.



Well-Known Member
well you most likely have an indica strain, which i would rather have than a sativa. lot less noticable and produce stronger buds


New Member
it has no height? short and too many leaves i want it to get big not short and leafy.

i only have 1 25watt CFL w/ reflector on it, i don't want to add more lights as i want it to stretch a little taller.

i think it got a little nute burn but seems to be growing a lot of new leaves but it's not growing tall. why? its ice from nirvana.

only has 3 fingers on each leaf? weird..
what the hell are you crying about your plant looks fine geez
i've had three fingers before on genetics i wasn't entirely sure about. Good Smoke just stuff that isn't too well known generally will be something like Bud type a x bud type b. I had it for a month or two with my AfghanxGreatwhiteshark


Well-Known Member
Keep moving the light further away to promote stretch. 6 inches away should do it with a weak light. I am growing some pure Afghan indica that would not stretch much, even with the light 2 feet away. 50 watts of LED.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Anyone think about asking him how old the plant is? Plants that are young and in a good enviroment, will put more energy into root growth at first. If those plants of only a few weeks old. then CHILL OUT. If they are 3-4 weeks old then you might start to wonder. I just finished a crop where I flipped them to flowering when they were 20" tall, they ended up almost being 6' tall.
Adding another light would not make it bushier unless it is supplemental lighting on the sides. You should add another bulb & raise the lights higher to make the plant stretch.


Well-Known Member
Is this plant from seed or is it a clone? If it's a clone, then three leafers is common...if it's from seed, and you're getting three leafers...that's odd...otherwise, it looks good...