my plant it turning brown HELP!!

i was given a plant i was told its white rhino mixed
i keep it in my closet
i was given an agro-lite 60 watts to grow it
but i switched it to cfl i dont trust incadescent
however this morning i woke up to the leaves being brown i did add some water today
does anyone know what causes this
also any tips for this stage with lighting
and how long should i wait before i do 12 on 12 off because i was told to do this now but i think its to small
p.s can you tell its my first time
Photo on 2011-06-10 at 00.26.jpgPhoto on 2011-06-10 at 00.25 #2.jpgPhoto on 2011-06-10 at 00.24.jpgPhoto on 2011-06-10 at 00.25.jpg


Active Member
mines doing the same thing, but its wilted to shit!!! i guess im not going to be much of help in your problem area, but i can help with other shit. its definitely not ready for flower. if you dont want to invest much money, id go buy a plug in light socket and use 2 100w warm (i think theyre 2650k) bulbs in a spliter to get them more light. itll grow like hell with better light. what nutes are you using in your water? testing pH or TDS in your soil and water?


Active Member
it looks about 3-4 weeks old. i leave mine on 24/7 and it works great. they actually get bigger if you do it that way. when preflowers start to show, cut it to 12/12.. if that was planted as a seed, you should def wait a few more weeks with the light on 24/7 before you make that change. and, you should cut the ends of the burnt leaves off. its necrotic material now. as long as you dont cut the stem, the leaf is still viable.