My plant just keep getting worse. Pics.


Active Member
OK, so for starters my Lowryder, not Lowryder2 plant is indoor and was growing fantastically until about 3 weeks ago.

The little girl was started on august the 25th, I water them only when the soil is dry to the touch continuing about 5 inches down. The plastic pots I grow in are about 8-9 in inches across the top and about the same in hight.

I am growing in soil and do not use fertilizer because it seems when I do, she gets worse. So as soon as I saw her get worse I flushed the soil with room temp Brita filtered water immediately, but, even so she gets worse. The temperature is about 82' during the day and about 76' at night.

I am also using 4x23watt(100W each) cfl lights about 3" from the plants.

I DO have fungus Gnats but I spray the plant with neem oil every week liberally and it seems to do a number on the bugs. The reason she hasn't grown out of them is because there are others who are younger living with her and they are beginning to pick up the same habits! SHES IS TEACHING THEM BAD HABITS! wtf. So I come to all of you for help... Please help!

:wall: I CANT FIGURE IT OUT.:wall:

I read about 100 threads and have been trying to diagnose the problem myself but I'm an amateur and have excepted failure. Thanks everyone.



Well-Known Member
looks like either pH prob or nutrient burn, try getting some flora flush if you don't mind spending the money. After mine started getting nute burn i flushed her with that a couple of times and after she over came the shock 2 days later she exploded with growth


Active Member
Wow, thanks guys. I didn't expect any responses for at least a day or two. I will check the ph of the water I'm using and update. I also got some distilled water to use instead of just the filtered Brita tap.


Well-Known Member
I agree about the ph problem. so no nutes at all? she does need some you know. looks like tiny bit of mg def starting. you may have other issues. there is a link for ganjaguriella somewhere let me check for it.


Active Member
Wow thanks Smoky22! I do hope to give her nutes soon but I just have to wait to find something more commercial that I can by locally. Unfortunately the only places who sell these high quality nutrients in my area are about an hour away and MG is not something I really want around my plants. I do hope to find guano locally and maybe just build a hydroponic system where I can watch everything and be in complete control. Soil is great but its always been a problem for me.

Thanks again!


Well-Known Member
here is the link-looks like a ph problem. Ganja Guerrilla's Hall of Marijuana Plant Abuse

easily fixed by using distilled water only. make sure you dont have any other bugs or caterpillers/cutworms. and what's with the gnats? get rid of them already. forget the neem and use a plant foliar pesticide. and also make the hour drive for the nutes-she is def gonna need them soon as she looks about 3 weeks old-if not you will start getting some deficiencies soon and will exasperate the problem.

otherwise they look good, nice and stocky and bushy and new groth looks good.

do not accept failure. I use hydro and have a problem with almost every girl from time to time. These lower fans leaves will wind up yellowing and dying as she gets taller and progresses towards flowering, so is not the end of the world. the new growth is the problem so get to fixin and you should be fine. these plants are survivors.
get those dang gnats!! sterilize your grow area. make sure they are not getting in through any unscreened openings. soil is much easier than hydro where the slighest misstep with ph, ppms, res. temps will hurt fast.

pics 1 and 4 look like classic ph. the other look possibly like ph but more like something eating your plants-pics 2 and 6
the last pic looks like classic magnesium deficiency-mg- see the lime green look to that leaf? you mau have case of off ph and def. of mg either by lacking or from lockout.
try some epsom salts-an pick up at cvs, rite-aid, ect. make sure you boil and dissolve it in h20 first. and only distilled h20-cheap about 1.25 gallon. check that webpage for mg deficiencies too.


Active Member
You sir are a hero in my books. Thank you 1000x. But I have to ask what the benefit's of Epsom salt are? Ha ha, I know all about the gnats those son's of bitches! and i will get some hotshot strips or something. I don't have any other bugs, I check that daily and throughly. I'll probably be asking you some advice on hydro much later in the future. Thanks again Smokey. and I wont accept further failure. Anyone recommend any certain type of nutes?


Well-Known Member
no problem at all. growing is tough, no dount. with so much on the line, ya gotta do everything to make them happy. epsom salts contains magnesium, ie it should cure and magnesium deficiencies. it's real cheap and sold in those tiny milk carton containers. people use it to soak their feet I think.
as for nutes, a 3 part solution works best rather than an all in one. your plant needs more nitrogen during veg and into flowering but alot less during flowering but alot more of P and K. any good organic mix would be good-I think better organic for soil than chemical. you may not even need the epsom salts if you get a good nute mix which I highly reccomend. they are big enough that they are going to want nutes very soon to continue their growth and reproductive cycle. no doubt about it. just make sure you use half of reccomended dosage until your plants gets used to the nutes since you have not really given any thus far. also take care when watering to not splash any on the leaves as it will mostly cause burning. do flush your soil now-not sure of exact procedure with soil but I'm sure there is tons of info here on RIU. after flushing start them on 1/34 nutes and couple days later you should see some serious grow and health. I would clip off the badly infected areas on the leaves in case it is some type of fungus and hopefully can prevent from spreading? that decay on the leaf edges is pretty rapid for the tips to be disintergrated so quick before the leasions can spread to the remaining leaf and margins-peculiar- I would look more into this-usually it will be slower exposing more dead tissue-I would flush right away and not hesitate. and no more brita eater-still is not ph balanced-ph affects everything. also double check the undersides of your leaves with a mag glass to be sure. once the def. is cured you can transplant from soil to hydro


Active Member
A well of knowledge you are my friend. I will take all steps and procedure and post some pics in a few days to show progress (I hope I pro-gress no de-) I'm starting the flush now. I have mg all purpose plant food for my other plants and on the guerrilla site they seemed to promote the exact same brand I have ie.24-8-46 but I always hear not to use MG. In this case should I use a very dilute mix until I get better nutes?


Active Member
Alright well the plant was responding really well to the light nutrient mix but now I feel I might have a N Deficiency.I have a added a heavier mix but its still going down hill. Pretty much just want to hear a round about from you guys on what you think of the plant.
It's a lowryder strain but even when planted on the 15th of august, it still hasen't sexed so its frustrating when I think is close, and then I somehow stunt it with this crap. Anyway thanks for the imput!



Well-Known Member
Look how guilty that cat looks in the last pic.. he knows something about the shit ur having but aint letting on, i suggest some light interigation, and a little something to make that fuker talk, maybe a car battery and some wires.. or maybe some milk idk.. its up to you. good luck cracking the little shit :P


Active Member
Look how guilty that cat looks in the last pic.. he knows something about the shit ur having but aint letting on, i suggest some light interigation, and a little something to make that fuker talk, maybe a car battery and some wires.. or maybe some milk idk.. its up to you. good luck cracking the little shit :P
HAHAHAHA that was about the funniest shit I've read in a long time. I needed that, the plants just make be depressed. Well thats not totally true but they do make me sad from time to time. Thanks for the luck buddy!


Well-Known Member
Indica dominant strain eh?

You should get some more perlite in that soil, and try getting some airation through the soil, you've got plenty of those wood chips, they could be causing a problem with the root system. I have wood chips as well, but not that many.

I think Nitrogen is probably the least of your problem's, it could be something else thats progressing, Nitrogen usually makes leaves completely dry and yellow before they fall off, but this could be something else, maybe your PH has something to do with it.

Checking your PH level, and only giving it water when it should would be a good idea, as well as giving it some sufficient lighting on all area's of the plant, and space to receive oxygen.


Well-Known Member
Jen, looks ok to me, but do go back and read read this entire thread and responses. the last 2 pics look awesome. I doubt the N deficiency, I think what you are seeing is the end effects of the prior problem that you resolved by using better nutes and ph'd water. those leaves will not recover. do clip off those dead areas as they are invitations to nasty things. and look into what cynic said about airation. you should be getting preflowers 7th node or so, maybe middle of the month?


Active Member
You called it man. The lower leaves began to die so I pulled 'em. I began using distilled water and just a little bit of nutrient solution and the plant is beginning to bounce back. My other lowryder who I started around the same time is a girl and began to flower last week. I'm still waiting for this one though. It's preflowers started and unfortunatly looks like a male, but we'll see. Thanks for all the help with my first grow man, I appreciate it.