My plant just keeps growing its white hairs longer and longer


the plant is about 16 weeks in, it had a massive growth spert at one point where it grew several inches, and the buds are not growing anymore the white hairs just keep getting longer and longer and dont seem to be turning orange, i have no pictures but its not hard to use your imagination basically the white hairs just keep growing whilst the plant stays the same

i am growing indoors, and the plant is under a 600 hps, it is being watered when needed etc


swapped it to 12/12 after 4 weeks veg and when it went into budding it started to develop some then have a massive growth spurt, then grew some more buds now its just growing hairs :/ lol is it possible it is just a retarded seed? i seem to always get them


Well-Known Member
some strains take longer than most, some can be a freak accident and take forever!!! was she even stressed out a whole bunch? pics?!


she was stressed out once but that was only from moving her, she quickly sorted herself out in a day or 2, and i dont have pictures as the plants are not with me there at another location, and could be a freak accident but i dont want 30 cm hairs and hardly no buds haha


Active Member
Hi bigjayb,

Some pure sativa varieties like Hazes can flower for 6 months if you let them. They evolved around the equator and will just flower whenever the hell they damn please since there are no light variations down there. Do you know what strain it is? Either way it sounds like you got an pure sativa phenotype. I bet it will taste amaaaazing though.bongsmilie

Also, birdmananyweather is right, it could be a stress issue. Maybe you have light leaks?


Active Member
a retarded seed is a conclusion i would make for myself if this where my situation.

actually it sort of is, i have a retarded clone that is just growing long white hairs on a lil bud site.... it's outdoors and funny to watch.


its arjans stawberry haze, and i have no light leaks what so ever the place is pitch black in the dark :D


the rest of the plants from the arjan strawberry haze seeds turned out fine and very potent, this one just seems to be the problem


Well-Known Member
You might consider decreasing your "Lights On" times by 20 minutes a day until you are down to 9 hours of light.

John Jacob

Active Member
If your indoor try what hotrod said, this usually moves the bud maturity along a little faster as you simulate winter coming by cutting the days shorter but not stress it out to much as you do it progessively


Well-Known Member
wait so its life has only been 16 weeks? 4 of them vegging before you flipped? how long until pistils and bud sites started forming? I'm guessin' like at least 14 you are about 10 weeks into flowering (i never count flower until bud sites are visible) so it could take a few more weeks up to a month for a sativa of that caliber. :weed: just wait it out and she'll do you right (hopefully if shes not actually a mentally challenged seed )


yeah birdman 16 week life and 4 in veg, and it got bud sites about a week into budding but then it kept growing several inches each night for about 2-3 weeks then started to bud again


Well-Known Member
I'd decrease light time if you want it to finish faster. I grew a SH outdoors had fantastic smell but unfortunately not strong enough stems for me outdoors with the decent sized buds they gave me.


indoor doesnt have that strong stems i had to prop mine up and the top bends slightly lol think its the strain