my plant needs help


Active Member
i need help im new to growing and i dont think my plant is looking to good. all leaves except for top leaves are drooping. leaves seem to be getting kinda yellow. i have given it no nutes. lowest leaves started to die. please help thanks.



Well-Known Member
and u might want 2 start thinking about nutes soon 1/4 strentgh on bottle how old r they?


New Member
Again ... VERY light on the nutes. They are still babies.

Go to your local nursery and buy a Moisture Meter. They cost less than ten bucks. Water when indicated by the moisture meter. This takes all the guess work out of watering.

Also, from your picture, I'd question your soil mix. I don't see any Perlite in the mix. If you just used dirt from the yard, the soil isn't breathing properly and you are running the risk of root rot.



Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
styrafoam I've heard of people using. It will float to the top if you water to fast.

size at 2 mounts is larger then my first grow but a little behind were I would be now. Don't worrie your plants look good. Remember they are girls so they will be ready on their time.
your plant looks ok... she just needs a little love... I personally wouldnt use styrofoam.. thats just me.. I would save up and get some perlite..(its cheap like 5 bucks at home depot or lowes a bag )

so when I say Love.. take for an example if your girlfriend needed something.. and it was only 5 bucks.. would you be better off trying to save that 5 bucks by rig something up... or would you just throw that 5 bucks up right away and make your girlfriend happy... well buds and sex are a lot alike.. if you dont keep your woman happy.. you wont be getting any...

chances are if you bought some soil like miracle grow .. you wont need use fert for another month or so..

what does the drainage holes look like on the bottom? multiple or just one??

LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
dont mind him... your just learning.. the best crop of your life starts with the first seed you plant... send me a private message if you ever need some help... if i can help you .. i will

u know what im doing my first grow aswell , but some people are more ignorant than others.. i never got no help from no one on here i jus read and learn...... i waited months to grow till i got all my shit str8.. supplys,knowledge about growing so i wouldnt be on here asking whats wrong with my plant... i jus thought it was funny that dude wanted to use styrofoam as a alternative to perlite.... still funny...ahahahahaha
u know what im doing my first grow aswell , but some people are more ignorant than others.. i never got no help from no one on here i jus read and learn...... i waited months to grow till i got all my shit str8.. supplys,knowledge about growing so i wouldnt be on here asking whats wrong with my plant... i jus thought it was funny that dude wanted to use styrofoam as a alternative to perlite.... still funny...ahahahahaha
some people learn by doing and failing .. some research before hand..

He might not even know what perlite is.. maybe he thinks is a 100 bucks a bag ..