my plant stopped flowering after 3 weeks whats wrong please help!!!

hey guys i need some expert advice as to why my slh plant has stopped flowering after just 3 weeks...i have 3 other plants that are fine they are all in 3 gallon smart pots and are under 3 feets tall so i know its not root bound...i had some trouble with this plant before i put it into flowering,it had to much n and had the claw look to the leaves but i flushed it out and it started doing fine and started budding when the others started but it is now day 23 into flowering and it has very small heads to it and doesnt seem to be budding anymore please help asap!!!


Well-Known Member
well pics are a good start. taking them, posting them on here, that sort of thing.

whats wrong with your plant...
well its probably not lighting, heat, seeing how the rest are fine.

did you only flush this one plant? thats probably why, you removed all the trace nutrients from the soil, id up the micro nutes and the P K levels, and you should be ok.
i also do a banana peel + honey organic tea at the start of flowering, with great results. check for it in the organics section
i just took a pic but its not very good because my battery on my camera went dead but here it is anyway,i have 2 other slh plants that are flowering great so that why my concern anyway here is the pic.


Well-Known Member
well pics are a good start. taking them, posting them on here, that sort of thing.

whats wrong with your plant...
well its probably not lighting, heat, seeing how the rest are fine.

did you only flush this one plant? thats probably why, you removed all the trace nutrients from the soil, id up the micro nutes and the P K levels, and you should be ok.
i also do a banana peel + honey organic tea at the start of flowering, with great results. check for it in the organics section

I will also try your advice...but I have an SLH that isn't at all nitrogen sensitive...but it does go yellow really really early in flower when I use FFOF...but not so much with Roots something to think about...I like FFOF better myself doe to the veg growth, but the only way I would keep using soil would be if I got FFOF for veg and then with the tranpsplant before flower I would put them all in Roots, but I switched to coco soon after finding that, because damn I don't want to have to always have 2 different bags of soil...


Well-Known Member
well pics are a good start. taking them, posting them on here, that sort of thing.

whats wrong with your plant...
well its probably not lighting, heat, seeing how the rest are fine.

did you only flush this one plant? thats probably why, you removed all the trace nutrients from the soil, id up the micro nutes and the P K levels, and you should be ok.
i also do a banana peel + honey organic tea at the start of flowering, with great results. check for it in the organics section

I will also try your advice...but I have an SLH that isn't at all nitrogen sensitive...but it does go yellow really really early in flower when I use FFOF...but not so much with Roots something to think about...I like FFOF better myself doe to the veg growth, but the only way I would keep using soil would be if I got FFOF for veg and then with the tranpsplant before flower I would put them all in Roots, but I switched to coco soon after finding that, because damn I don't want to have to always have 2 different bags of soil...

Wait wait wait I just saw your pic...that looks terrible! What lighting are you using?! Don't flush never helps and will only cause more issue...the best fix for suspected or, real over feed is to let the pot get totally totally super dry and then put the plant under the shower for 15 or 20 minutes...and keep watering that way spaced otu as much as you can til the plant looks better...but if you are using like cfls or something then I can't help you...
oh yea forgot to say that yesterday i feed it with a 1/4 strength jacks classic bloom booster.and no i have flushed another one of the slh plants also because it had to much n but it is fine of corse i did flush the one i'am having trouble with a couple of times so it proble didnt have anything left in the soil...
and i also have 1 slh plant that isnt sensitive to nitrogen it keeps eating up the nutrients i'am feeding it... but google is riddled with people who have grown slh and had trouble with the plant being n sensitive in soil. dont know about hydro. and yes i know it looks terrible thanks so much for pointing that out...if it looked great i wouldnt be on here asking for advise as what to do...


Well-Known Member
ooohhhhh nnnnnooooo....that is terrible then...I use a really killed that thing...I'm sorry I don't mean to be insulting, I am actually pretty helpful...I was just need to do what I said above til the plant starts to look better...and if the other ones flowering look at all like this one, then I would put them back in veg, or focus on some that are vegging...simply because this is going to set back these plants a good bit...anyway let the totally dry out...then shower..then sprinkle a little guano on top of the soil...just a little will add back anything you may have washed out and will start making nutes available soon.
no my other 3 look great was about to post pics of all of them under normal light until i realized it would be pointless for me to do so on this site...and its not like the plant is dead...and i did feed it yesterday with a 10-20-30 bloom booster so i think i'll be fine and if not its 1 plant and a learning experience...and i do understand the plant looks like shit.