My plants are p*ssy's!

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
ummm what the hell are those things? like SERIOUSLY??? Don't you read up or look at other plants and see that plants half the age of yours look more vibrant and healthy?? I don't get how anyone could possibly think they would get anywhere with something looking like that after 5 weeks and keep continuing to grow??!?!? jeeeeeez
You get the torches.... I'll grab the pitchforks!

Translated... that means... don't be suck a dick! Try to remember when you were a NOOB and needed help with a question that others might consider remedial.



Well-Known Member
You get the torches.... I'll grab the pitchforks!

Translated... that means... don't be suck a dick! Try to remember when you were a NOOB and needed help with a question that others might consider remedial.

It amazes me how much people DON'T read posts before they say things like what you just said. If you read you'd see I already apologized...:peace: and he seemed to have read up more after some1 being blunt. Wishing him good luck from here on in.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
It amazes me how much people DON'T read posts before they say things like what you just said. If you read you'd see I already apologized...:peace: and he seemed to have read up more after some1 being blunt. Wishing him good luck from here on in.

Ohhh I read posts... sometimes I just don't read the entire THREAD before responding. BTW... you didn't apologize until you were prompted to by another poster. Perhaps next time if you feel bad about what you wrote you could just edit your original mean-spirited post so those of us top-down readers don't jump on you for something you apologize for later. Just a thought...... you know... so you don't have to go and insult another poster for sticking up for the first poster by essentially calling the defending poster an idiot for not reading past your first insulting post.

Then again... if you hadn't been so condescending in your first post to a noob this wouldn't be an issue .... food for thought ;)


Well-Known Member

Ohhh I read posts... sometimes I just don't read the entire THREAD before responding. BTW... you didn't apologize until you were prompted to by another poster. Perhaps next time if you feel bad about what you wrote you could just edit your original mean-spirited post so those of us top-down readers don't jump on you for something you apologize for later. Just a thought...... you know... so you don't have to go and insult another poster for sticking up for the first poster by essentially calling the defending poster an idiot for not reading past your first insulting post.

Then again... if you hadn't been so condescending in your first post to a noob this wouldn't be an issue .... food for thought ;)
Blah blah blah...Correct me if im wrong but ..TMB77 kind of agreed with me, he never told me to apologize about anything.

I told Lama I'm sorry for coming across as a dick head, but I'm not sorry for making him think about it and making him consider reading allot more. I mean I'm one of those things we call a NOOB too. But I still half heartedly knew that a plant at 5 weeks should be well beyond its first set of true leaves.

I mean he even admitted to the fact..."Definitely a humbling experience and clearly I have a ton to learn. Have been glued to this forum all weekend. Pretty amazing knowledge base."

Yes I could have edited my post but I didn't...thats life.

So point being, being blunt doesn't always have such a negative effect.


Well-Known Member
He has straws around the outside of his stems....

i mean come on people...

If he's read ONE page about growing ANYTHING, he should know by now straws are not the way to go...

Dickheads should be treated as such... no sympathy from this end...

This is GrowingPassion all over again... sorry sir, its been done before, go read. and when your done reading, watch a dvd... Then after you take those god awful straws out of your pot and act like you have some sense, come back here and ask intelligent questions...
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Well-Known Member
well when youve grown crap plants, you know how it feels, and to laugh about it makes the learning process that much more profound, rather than telling them they were born without a green thumb or plants hate them, and i think AK-fortystraw is pretty funny, but i amuse myself a lot


Well-Known Member
I didnt read the whole thread, but, HOLY SHIT, you need better light!!

Whatever light ur using now its not consistent, and its not powerful.

Plants like super stable conditions which change VERY slowly so the plant cant adapt the the change, when u keep moving, (changing enviornment)

The plant is thinking "ok ima wait till shit starts to settle down" then it will start growing again.


Active Member
i agree with kochab.

the plant is probably not use to the outdoors quite gradually
i would introduce to them .. SUNLIGHT!
each plant would need about 12 hours of light/12 hours of night..
the moon also helps plants sprout towards it, meaning upwards
than, next thing you know your plant should be budding past a month or
my techniques is also, talk to your plants...
not in a crazy way but i tell my girls that "'re so beautiful.. but will be more gorgeous if u were to bud..!!! " lol try it!


Active Member
I was actually reading in another thread and saw Brendon420 posting something and noticed his Avatar looked somewhat familiar. Then I just started laughing. Good to see that I have at least sparked some good laughs. Although I will have to charge for the use of those pics.

Responding to some posts: The straw idea came from this forum, so you can knock it, but that one actually came from research from RIU. Maybe they should cancel that course.

As an update. The 2 I moved outside 3 days ago are taking off. They now have 3 sets of leaves and look very healthy. Turns out the best source of light is actually the sun. When they get bigger I'll expect Brendon420 to update his avatar with their pics.