My Plants Are Suffering, please help!!


Active Member
This whole thread is a lesson to people that TRY to over do it and micro manage pH in soil grows, which ends up screwing then up even more....


Well-Known Member
probably been said but i am too lazy to read all the replies but i would say you put them in containers that were too big too early which can cause oerwatering since the roots have not filled out enough to be in a container that size. They will overcome that problem it will just take some extra time to grow out.

as for all the other ph and stuff for soil not my department though i have grown soil i prefer coco now.


Active Member
The plants are doing good at the moment. They still have a few leaves curled up but no major signs of risks there. I think it was a combo of heat stress, low humidity and weak ventilation. Allot of people in this thread are just guessing and declaring it as gospel truth..


Active Member
The plants are doing good at the moment. They still have a few leaves curled up but no major signs of risks there. I think it was a combo of heat stress, low humidity and weak ventilation. Allot of people in this thread are just guessing and declaring it as gospel truth..
I've NEVER had plants look as bad as yours did on the first page. Then again i never had a major pH issue and tried to incorrectly adjust it, or heat stress that bad.... We all were noobs at one time but wow they looked like shit.


Active Member
I have never had a pH issue. I never said I did. People in thread said so, but*my*ph was always in order.