My plants arent buding


Im having a NFT HYdro system with 6 big bang plants. For full production normally it takes me 2.5 months. And know i have 1 week to go and i almost dont have any buds.I have hesi nutrients with 650 hps. EC 1800 and PH 6.
They look beautifull and strong but no buds.

Any ideas of what can be problem, does it means no buds thus time? :(MU8B6210.jpg


Well-Known Member
i would have to say 2.5 months and nothing would have to be a malfunctioning timer keeping the lights at 24/0


its flowering 12/12 already for 6 weeks and i dont have any light leek. The thing is that recently i hadded 250 w extra light maybe thats the cause.


Active Member
You dont sound like a newb, so Im assuming you switched your nutrients to a flowering cocktail? Other than that a light leak is the only think that I can think of. I had a friend who had to replace a power strip and the new one had a very bright red back-lit switch. It stopped some of his plants from flowering like the rest.


Active Member
I'd say to look for:
#1 Timers are off
#2 A light leak
#3 question your genetics;
and if all else fails, #4 Get new genetics and start over, sorry.


Guys i will check the light leek and regarding the strain in from the green house......and yes the flower cocktail is being admin since i switched to 12/12.
The buds are growing but unbelievably slow.


Well-Known Member
it will happen, just be patient. but yah , like everyone else said about the timer being off sounds like the culprit.


Active Member
could be some hidden sativa traits... your plants look like they have pretty indica leaves, what strain is she?


Well-Known Member
If that is a new PVC tent, the culprit is the fumes emited by that PVC reflective layering. While I'm no expert, I did a lot of research before buying my tent. I learned to avoid PVC tents because most of them emit chemicals and fumes that interfere with a plants reproductive cycle. Judging from that picture, you might have one small floor fan in there and that tent looks fairly new, with the fresh creases still visible on the side walls. If you are familiar with the strain, have grown it before, and this is the first time you have had this issue, look at everything and determine what has changed since previous grows. If the only answer is that grow tent, consider using it for veg only or get rid of it, if it is the issue.


Active Member
Guys i will check the light leek and regarding the strain in from the green house......and yes the flower cocktail is being admin since i switched to 12/12.
The buds are growing but unbelievably slow.
So, are they not budding at all or have they been budding but are small/slow?


Active Member
they are budding but extremely small and slow.
It is hard to tell. It may be your genetics. They may just take longer and explode with size at the end or it may be that you got a batch of seeds that produce unusually small buds. The variety called "rock bud" is that way, very small but lethal.

I hope yours explode with size soon. I would say that it is genetics, based on what you've told us.


Active Member
I just did a little googling and have found a couple references to Big bang being a small bud.

Here is a good description, if it is accurate:

People on other forums seem to question its name, since the buds end up small.

Again, I think you will see some more growth... but expect buds smaller than those in my avatar, lol ;)

Seriously, I think your buds are just genetically small. I hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for that link! This is what I found...

"Best results are obtained in a hydroponics system, although Big Bang will also do well in soil. If this plant is allowed to grow large, its strong branching and short internode lengths will require some pruning to allow more light and air to reach the inner and lower branches."

Heaven forbid anyone from RIU grow this strain, for we all know it is forbidden to prune or remove anything from the all mighty weed plant. How dare Nirvana suggesst we prune a plant!



Well-Known Member
If that is a new PVC tent, the culprit is the fumes emited by that PVC reflective layering. While I'm no expert, I did a lot of research before buying my tent. I learned to avoid PVC tents because most of them emit chemicals and fumes that interfere with a plants reproductive cycle. Judging from that picture, you might have one small floor fan in there and that tent looks fairly new, with the fresh creases still visible on the side walls. If you are familiar with the strain, have grown it before, and this is the first time you have had this issue, look at everything and determine what has changed since previous grows. If the only answer is that grow tent, consider using it for veg only or get rid of it, if it is the issue.

That sure is some damn good detective work.

And i bet your at least part right.