My Plants dont look well... Please Help


I´m from Europe but nobody can help me at the local forums... it´s worse: there they told me so much different things that i got confused and my first grow was a mess... didn´t harvest at all.

so i hope to find here more experienced and sophisticated growers :lol:...

my problem:

look at the pictures: my first grow went down because of this, and now, my second grow shows the same deficiency... I guess its a Magnesium deficiency but i´m not shure... can anybody confirm this or knows for shure what it is?
Maria unten.jpgMaria oben.jpg

further information:

  • Homebox L
  • 600W with Cool Tube
  • Temperature: 26°C (79°F)
  • Humidity: 40%
  • Strain: AutoMazar (Dutch Passion)
  • AeroFlo 10
  • Canna Fertilizers
  • EC = 1.0 to 1.4 (That low because i thought it could be a nutrient solution burn too... But i always give my plant a little extra amount of Magnesium and Calcium (Canna Mono Nutrients))
  • PH = between 5.2 and 6.2
  • Week 5 since germination and still in vegetative growth



Well-Known Member
What do you mean your grow went down, did they all die? did u harvest something? if they died i suggest trying a new strain.

well thank you for your answers so far...

my first grow was a white widdow (Greenhouse Seeds) and i harvested 90grams (2.5 OZ) of low class weed with 10 plants... But strange was the fact that the buds were build after reducing the light to 12 hours until a certain point (i think the first 3 weeks of flowering) and then stopped completely.

i´m not shure if CANNA is available in america... Here in Europe it´s one of the best nutrients we can get... so i guess that the nutrients weren´t the problem... Anyway, the N-P-K ratio is 6-3-8 when using the nutrients for vegetative growth and 4-4-11 when using the bloom nutrients...

well, if it is a magnesium deficiency: should i use calcium too? or should i only put magnesium in the water tank and only add calcium if i see a deficiency caused by calcium?



Well-Known Member
I use soil and pH is different. Calmag+ is what I would use. Canna is a good line. Why is your pH swinging a whole point?

i´ve read in different books that the optimal pH-value for hydro and aeroponics ist between 5.2 to 6.2... i manipulate the nutrient solution until i get into this interval. would you recommend a specific value?

I have read a lot about the "optimal pH" and i´m quiet confused: i´ve found charts which all show the optimal pH range for hydro systems but they are all different!!! so i thought to stay in between of 5.2 and 6.2...

Take a look:

how-to-grow-hydro-2.jpgView attachment 2196957a a a hydro ph.jpgphwertoptimalpm7.jpgView attachment 2196960

although i was careful selecting the right charts specifically for hydro systems, some of them look like for soil medium... it is obvious that the 2 charts in german are equal and the others are the same too but different to the german charts... so there must be a mistake somewhere...

the last chart says at the bottom that this is only right for specific plants. Another theory would be that mariuhana is not that kind of plant...

like i told you: i´m a little confused..


Well-Known Member
plants need more of certain nutes at different stages of their lives and adjusting ph allows them to get what they need when tbey need it. in veg and firsttwo weeks of flower i run 5.4-5.6. weeks 3-5 is at 5.8-6.0, and last rest goes 6.0-6.2.


Well-Known Member

I´m from Europe but nobody can help me at the local forums... it´s worse: there they told me so much different things that i got confused and my first grow was a mess... didn´t harvest at all.

so i hope to find here more experienced and sophisticated growers :lol:...

my problem:

look at the pictures: my first grow went down because of this, and now, my second grow shows the same deficiency... I guess its a Magnesium deficiency but i´m not shure... can anybody confirm this or knows for shure what it is?
View attachment 2195541View attachment 2195540

further information:

  • Homebox L
  • 600W with Cool Tube
  • Temperature: 26°C (79°F)
  • Humidity: 40%
  • Strain: AutoMazar (Dutch Passion)
  • AeroFlo 10
  • Canna Fertilizers
  • EC = 1.0 to 1.4 (That low because i thought it could be a nutrient solution burn too... But i always give my plant a little extra amount of Magnesium and Calcium (Canna Mono Nutrients))
  • PH = between 5.2 and 6.2
  • Week 5 since germination and still in vegetative growth


Hi there's a few things going on here.

i'm in Spain btw andI use RO.
1)If ur using tap water then don't add Mg or Ca. It's in the water and in the Canna. (I use Canna too)
2) If you want ur plant to absorb the nutes then you need PH 6.5 for Mg. Mg can't be absorbed in soggy soil or with a high EC
3)Your PH is too low. In soil and try to stick to PH 6.2 - 7.0
4) Autos are supposed to flower quickly and after transplanting in new soil u should be using Canna Flores not Vega.
5) RH a bit low, try to raise it to 50-60%

Your next move -

Good watering with 20% run off at PH 7.0 to help neautralise, once it dries in a few days start with Flores on quarter strength. Leave the monos for RO water of hydro practices.


Well-Known Member
Can u give us a pic if the whole plant. What levbel did those leaves come from?

They look very dark green. I think tap water plus mono Ca is blocking ur Mg levels, which should be equal. More Ca in tap than Mg and then u've added both. This could also lock out the primaries.

Try to take a full pic :)


New Member
First off stop using RO water it has no mineral content looks to me rust spots forming ??? normally either some kind of fungus disease , and or PH fluctuations try to maintain better PH the magic number is 5.8 and in soil 6.8


Well-Known Member
First off stop using RO water it has no mineral content looks to me rust spots forming ??? normally either some kind of fungus disease , and or PH fluctuations try to maintain better PH the magic number is 5.8 and in soil 6.8
We don't know if he's using RO or not. I think he's adding mono nutes ( for RO ) to tap water.

to avoid misunderstandigs: i grow with a nft-system, so its hydroponic or aeroponic (don´t know exactly how to classify the aeroflo system). I´m not growing in soil.

I experienced in my first grow that using only water from reverse osmosis doesn´t work because the pH is not stable and falls all the time under 4.5. So i had to add Calcium to the water to stabilize the ph. Maybe this the great mistake and the reason why i dind´t harvest...

According to not adding Mg or Ca to tap water: should i add Mg and Ca if i use 50% tap water and 50% of clean water (reverse osmosis). I need to use the reverse orsmosis because the tap water here has an initial EC of 0.6! thats too much! so i reduce it to 0.3 by mixing it with clean water.
hi again,

ok, i took some pictures of the hole plants, but the light was still on...


at the moment, the plants are 50cm tall and according to the web site of dutch passion the will get up to 80cm! but i´m in week 6 now and shouldn´t they start to bloom?

i can definitivly discard a fungus disease because i thought that was the case in my first grow and now i´m using "buds ok" by ecolizer to prevent fungus disease (and bugs away to prevent all type of animal disease)... But it turned out that my first grow wasn´t a mess because a disease because this grow shows the same symptoms... so i continued my research and now it seems to be Magnesium deficiency...


Looks like fungus to me rust spots on leaves i had the same problem it starts on the big fan leaves first, so i removed the worst leaves.
most plants can suffer with rust spots on there leaves do a google search.


Well-Known Member

to avoid misunderstandigs: i grow with a nft-system, so its hydroponic or aeroponic (don´t know exactly how to classify the aeroflo system). I´m not growing in soil.

I experienced in my first grow that using only water from reverse osmosis doesn´t work because the pH is not stable and falls all the time under 4.5. So i had to add Calcium to the water to stabilize the ph. Maybe this the great mistake and the reason why i dind´t harvest...

According to not adding Mg or Ca to tap water: should i add Mg and Ca if i use 50% tap water and 50% of clean water (reverse osmosis). I need to use the reverse orsmosis because the tap water here has an initial EC of 0.6! thats too much! so i reduce it to 0.3 by mixing it with clean water.

If I use straight RO I add canna mono Ca & Mg in equal parts to EC 0.2 for example. If I use my EC o.45 tap water I can add it to the RO to make EC 0.2. I wouldn't do both because too much Mg and Ca will lock out N, P & K
when using straight RO with Ca & Mg... is the pH stable?

when i prepare my nutrient solution and set the level to - let´s say 1.5 - including RO water and the whole canna line and canna mono Mg & Ca: after a few days the ec level will decrease to 1.2... which nutrients should i add again? the N-P-K with or without Mg and Ca... What about Rhizzotonic and CannaZym?
when using straight RO with Ca & Mg... is the pH stable?

when i prepare my nutrient solution and set the level to - let´s say 1.5 - including RO water and the whole canna line and canna mono Mg & Ca: after a few days the ec level will decrease to 1.2... which nutrients should i add again? the N-P-K with or without Mg and Ca... What about Rhizzotonic and CannaZym?