My plants don't seem to have many leaves is that normal?


Ok first of all I have just started trying to grow cannabis, I read up alot on it and read various tutorials. I have a very low budget at the moment (i am unemployed at the moment) so I'm econamising a bit. I used some compost from my gardens compost bin and use a desk lamp to provide light it's got a halogen bulb in it so it is very bright. I spray my plants with water to keep the surface moist and seeds I got from a friend after he bought some weed and there was a few seeds at the bottom, they were a dark brown so they looked like they would germinate.
Everything seemed to be going fine but after the tenth day of growing one of my plants seemed to be wilting over and the other on the leaves are bent up and they point outwards rather than flat. I thought it might be to do with the light so instead I put it on my window sill and opened the window to allow some fresh air to get to it aswell as holding it up with a stake. But the strange thing about my plants is the stems are tall but extremely thin and there are very few leaves can some one please help me thanks!


Active Member
They still have a chance, just make sure to support those babies, either add more soil, or use something to support them.

What type of soil?
What type of lighting?


Global Moderator
Staff member
You need to get a couple of CFL lamps on them - that halogen is not good for growing. They are stretching for the light, thats why they are so long and spindly.

Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
You would be better off putting them by a window, that light won't do any good for your plants. Shop around and you will see just how cheap, good grow lights can be. If you are unemployed you should see it as a long term investment. The more money you put into it the more weed you will get out of it. If you smoke a lot it will save you Heaps.


The temperature is about 80F and I don't know about the humidity.

@GreatwhiteNorth: Yes I think thats the problem, I was thinking about building a grow box and fitting some CFL's to the top how much would a couple of fittings and bulbs cost?

@Rusty Crutch: I think I may invest yes


Global Moderator
Staff member
Take a cruise through Lowes or Home Depot - they have tons of reasonable lamps & fixtures. You can even use those clip on fixtures with a reflector & CFL lamps - that'll get you by & you won't spend a ton on electricity either.
80 deg F is a tad high but not overly so.