My plants life up to now !!!Lets start flowering


Well-Known Member
Thanks ABM,, Wish i knew what strain i was growing tho Ill be getting some HeadBAnd and Armagedon in there soon in Oaksterdam ;-)
Sweet! I am in Sacto.. I agree on wanting to know what strain you have. I have 6 bagseeds going right now and 1 is really taking off. It's probably going to have balls but it would be nice to know the strain. :)


Well-Known Member
Meta i honestly dont know what headband ill be getting. I hear that the 707 HB is clone only, if i can find someone around here to get a clone off of that would be GREAT but i dont think that will happen so ill probably be ordering Reserva Pirvada's (or how ever they spell that shit lol) Headband.

I havent even got a successful harvest yet and im already thinking about breeding my own strain ha Headband x Rocklock and ill call it RockBand or HeadLock lmao if i do ill give away some seeds so you guys can help me make it famous ..

and ABM Yea ive come to find out that male plants grow much faster in veg than females and they stretch more too
but you could just have a very very strong female ill keep my fingers crossed for you that that one turns out female:-P

Ill be updating tommorow since the lights are about to go off in a couple mins


Well-Known Member
Ok..i been smoking maybe for longer than some of you have been I havent heard it all by any means. That being said, what does it mean when you refer to a headband? Be


Well-Known Member
Headlock would be a grat strain tho lol or even Rockhead its so many ways to name that strain speaking of "name that strain" wouldnt it be bad ass if they came out with a tv show called "Name That Strain"
where the contestants had to smell,look at,then smoke a sample of weed then try and name that strain lmao
im high and starting to ramble:lol:

i didnt get any pics of my girls today but i did water them with some molasses today and i noticed the main cola and smaller buds are starting to fill out too, and alot more resin probably because my humidity dropped to 35% while i was gone :-(

I did get some shots of my clones that i have started lst training on i guess this is how you do it lol i FIMMED one and topped one the other two i havent done anything to ...........yet ;-)


IMAG0687.jpg<------ FIMMED
IMAG0689.jpg <------ The 'Runt' This was the smallest clone that i didnt think would make it but it has been good so far

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
hey man, they look great!! the fimming always scares me now cause if you dont get it just right, thats all you end up with is mutant looking leaves and still only 1 top, LoL. hope it works for ya bro!! my little clone grassy, i just hacked the top off to make sure i get at least 2 main colas. heres a good pic that shows the difference. looking good though bro!!


Well-Known Member
thanks CD i know thats what happened to my plant i have in flowering just ended up with half a leaf lol but im going to lst them so im hoping for a bunch of main colas even if it doesnt work ...

heres my girls
The colas are getting alot more dense and starting to fill in slowly

im also trying to fix the n Def on one of my ladies it seems to be getting a little worse im going to flush her with 6.5 ph'd water and then try and fix it the following watering because my drainage is not all that great and i dont want to over water her

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Well-Known Member
I hope you get that def. under control bruh. that 5th pic is hot though. nice healthy bud sites gong down right there :).

you should check out my grow sometimes.
"oh behave im young rich famous tryin to keep my pockets on Schwarzenegger,Og in my swisha so my blunt taste flavored":weed:


Well-Known Member
Some good looking plants there Kush...Its cool to see how other strains are growing in the hands of folks that know what is going on.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the complements everybody
im hoping i finally fixed my plant doesnt look like shes yellowed anymore so thats a good thing and they seem to have swelled a little more since the flushing

here they are

flowering day 33 006.jpgflowering day 33 003.jpgflowering day 33 004.jpgflowering day 33 002.jpgflowering day 33 001.jpgflowering day 33 005.jpg


Well-Known Member
right on everybody ...they seem to be back on track i gave them 2 tbs of my veg nutes and some molasses so hopefully they get a good amount of Nitrogen from that

Time will tell