My plants need help!

Alright, i thought i over-watered them before, because they are light green. but i havent watered them in 3 days and they are the same light green color, but now they are curving down, and are turning brown at the end of the leaves, and are getting a gold color on the sides of the leaves. and it seems like it isnt growing at all. it is now about 3 and a half weeks old with only 6 leaves. (2 big ones with littler ones comin out of it.) Plz let me know if there is anything i can do to save it. It is the last one i had.


Active Member
Not to hijack, but I think i have the same problem... my plants are almost two weeks old with 4 small leaves, the larger set are starting to curl under as well but the plant is still very green. I have a closet hydro setup using bagseed with 6 120w CF's 20/4 lighting, purified water @ just under 5 ph and no nutes yet as they are still small.


Well-Known Member
cfls neet to be right on it.. it wont burn you need to put the lights closer , like an in. or 2. thats why its stretchy and pitful looking. i'd find a way to put a light breeze on it too. try not to blow it over, it'll strenthen the stem. how tall is it?


Active Member
an inch maybe, it did seem like they weren't growing very fast, but the last three times i tried growing (all with bagseed) they burnt and died within 2 weeks. i will def lower the lights, i have an oscillating fan than blows on them enough to shake the leaves slightly, but its prob about time to flush the water and clean everything out so i will do all of that tomorrow. I was also wondering if the fact that they are in the closet would hinder growth because of the air not ventilating very well although i open the door 4 times a day (2x minimum). I am just afraid of killing them as this is my 4th attempt. Thanks for the advice.