My plants + NEW 400w HPS! (pics)


Well-Known Member
lildre its fine,you can use it all the way thew flowering.MH bulbs work great for keeping the strech down during the first two weeks of flower.Good Luck &Stay Safe!!


Active Member
well thx for the help ful hints i just got 11 plants started out with 15 but its just commericail bag seed ecept for the black afaghani.....i had them under flourescent the first like 8-9 days the the day before yesterday put them under the 400 watt mh and they are looking so much bigger and growing so much faster! but can you help me with one more thing? ok i am a first time grower but i know alot and my friend grows but i need help with hooking a carbon filter up and i dont have the light where ahd the intake so how would i go about doing it> its a walk in closet i will post pics ina few days to let you see it but how can i elimnate the odor and vent right now um not worried but i still have to get this installed with in the next couple of weeks so please help thnkx:joint:


Well-Known Member
lildre,please start your own thead in the growroom desigh section or indoor growing and i would be more then happy to help you.Ps im very busy so if i forget just pm me to remind me.Pss PM me any way i would like to here about your room,1 plants under a 400 is ALOT!