my plants w/pics

these are my plants and there about 2 2.5 weeks old and the others are about a week old and the older ones are stressed i think from overwatering and if it is would it hurt them at there size to not water them for a whole day and i think they are kind of small for there age and i was wandering wat should i do to spead up ther growth i already put a home made co2 generator in my grow room and i keep them on a 24hr light cycle


they have been like that for a couple of days and im starting to get frustrated in picture two only the middle leafs are curling down would anybody know whats wrong


Well-Known Member
Almost certainly overwatering.

Yes, it is fine for them to go for a whole day without being watered. In fact, you should let them dry out completely between waterings. Just lift up the pot to feel the weight of it. If it's still heavy with water, then they aren't ready for more water. If it's dry (you'll know because it will be super light compared to when it's wet), then water it =)

My plants get watered once per week. If it's really hot outside, maybe twice per week. Granted, they are in 5 gallon pots. In small pots like yours I'd give them a really good drink once every 2 or 3 days.

Other than that, they look just fine.