My Plants Want Me To Have A Nervous Breakdown.


Greetings from beautiful Britisg Columbia :joint:

My current grow is really testing my mental, physical and spiritual well-being. Hydro must be arabic for hardest shit the world.

My first issue was over feeding. Got that down.

Second issue was powdery mildew. Got that out of the way.

Thrid issue was rot root. Adios to those clones.

Lastly its this;

Some sort of excess or deficency of nutes and droopy leaves.

The plants are NOT over watered. They get 2-3 days before a drip fed watering.

18 P.Kush plants in a 50 litre DWC grow.

Rez temp is 70 or under.

Room temp is 79 or under.

Any help would be awesome.



Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
sorry bro.....I don't know what to say...your plants do look hella green though, you think maybe you giving to much N?