My plants went to healthy to dying in 1 week! Help!


Active Member
Not to be a dick either but we never saw his mentors plants so we dont know. He may of just been so skilled that he didnt need to measure ppm, ph and still produces plants..... Im fairly certain the reason his plants are dead is cos he tried to grow them in just a rockwool cube. Ie missing a key part of growing.

What should I be growing in? If rockwook is wrong. What is the right way?


Active Member
Yet his plants were beautiful, and yers are now dead cause ya really didnt pay attention somewhere along the road, evidence in that rockwool cube between yer feet! Not tryin to be a dick, brah, but if ya wanna get rid of all that equipment and let some1 a lil more experienced NOT kill some plants, hit me up:weed:
I monitor these plants several times a day. I run an online sk8 shop outa my home. So I am always here.


Well-Known Member
What should I be growing in? If rockwook is wrong. What is the right way?

Rockwool is fine to start out clones and seeds. Or even if you where using Aeroponics, or NFT. But you are not so...

Basically with an ebb and flow you start in rockwool and then place the rw into another medium (usually clay pellets) The roots then grow from the RW into these pellets.

Roots must never be exposed to light aswell.

You really need to read up on hydroponics to grasp the basics. It can be very confusing esp for someone new to growing.

Your best bet is to get a growing book or find one online.

I believe this is the best one but I could be wrong.


Active Member
Does not matter! His mentor had a nice operation going, obviously NOT killing DOZENS of plants w/the current set up. This guy says he cant keep N-E thing alive, not good, brah!
My mentors operation wasn't going very good. In his hydro room he had a high death rate and his plants were only 15" at harvest. He would average 1 oz off each plant. In his aero rooms none of his plants survived. He was just learing aero at the time.

My bubba was 15" when I moved it to the veg room and is currently 36" tall.

I was only adding grow A & B from the very begining up till 03/30 week 4 bloom.

The only reason I changed from grow to bloom was because of the reaction I got from everyone at the hydro store when I told them what I using.

I just want to do everything right.


Active Member

I just got back from the store. I bought some pots and perlite.

I took the plants into the kitchen, cut the wrap off of the cube and used the sprayer to get all the dark green crap off. The roots look nice and a pale yellowish white. After I cleaned them up. I planted them in the new pots and medium. I scrubbed down the table and res. Made a new batch of nutes.

I guess I'll have to wait and see if they bounce back.


Well-Known Member
Nice idea man I didnt think of perlite.

I would flush the RW cube aswell and use a plant upper. Something for sick plants like superthrive.

I think possibly foilar feeding might be a good idea as the roots are currently not working.

Basically spray the leaves with water so that they can take it in. Use a good quality sprayer tho.

How often are the plants getting water?


Active Member
The water timers are set for 15 min on, 15 min off.

I did clean the cubes completely on all 6 sides before I planted them. There was no black stuff on the roots. It was green algie. Once I rinsed it all away. The roots look great.


Active Member this is the "clay pebbles" u need and roots are not happy in any sort of light even close to light roots will re rout into the dark as for you saying what is the right way of doing things ...that is the true question......there is no one way of doing things but it does look to me like your roots were 100% of your problem

also anything green in your table or res or rockwool so on....IS BAD its algae and it needs the same thing your sexy momma needs....algae ROBS THE SHIT OUT OF

YOUR nutes & oxygen and if its growing on your roots then your plant can not survive ....i would say your doing ok i would try and get some 1 gal. pots and keep

your roots happy i hope this helps ...

also PH 5.5 - 6.5 is what you need to worry about more then ppm in my opinion


Active Member
I keep my ph at 5.8
I'll get some clay pellets too. I have another Bubba Kush that will be coming out of the veg room in a few days. I start her in the clay pellets.


Active Member
o ya also in a flood tables with hydrotion i flood 4 times a day for 15min and for the folar feeding (spraying) i would use the water out of the res for this maybe a little srtonger nutes but i hope it all works out


Active Member
i clone in 1'' rockwell then once i see roots popping out a put them with the cube into 6'' pots ( 1 gal ) then i cover ...or try to cover the rocwoll bc it likes to grow algae


Active Member
Hi sneekers. i use just rockwool cubes also but table is covered so roots are not exposed to light. i have water flowing 24/7. For the plants i am currently growing I found a ph 6.4 was best for optimal nute uptake.



Active Member
Hi sneekers. i use just rockwool cubes also but table is covered so roots are not exposed to light. i have water flowing 24/7. For the plants i am currently growing I found a ph 6.4 was best for optimal nute uptake.

Damn bro, your setup looks sweet!
How far apart do you put your plants from each other? I have 2 4x4 tables. I'm curious how many can 1 - 4x4 hold and the plant have enuf room?


Active Member

Damn bro, your setup looks sweet!
Thanks man.

Plants are 8 inches apart from stock to stock.

If Im putting 50 plants on a 4X8 table i would say you can get 25 on a 4x4 table.

Those plants you see in first pic were no taller than 6 inches when they were clicked into bud. The other pic is same room 6 weeks later. So I would say that there is enough room having plants 8 inches apart if clicked into bud at a smaller size.


Active Member
As far as the plants you are trying to save, a good trim up job I would also say is needed. Now that they are damaged you should really reduce the size of them, it will help the chances of the plant recovering. I would be only foliar feeding them with water, and some liquid Karma. I would also lower the ppm, to half what you were @ to help them retake. From the look of the photo, you might want to get some new clones going, or new seed stock asap. If you had a mother I would say to ice these bitches and start over with the help of the people on the forum. If you take pics we can really see what is going on and help you.

oh yea, and I like you shoes and all but you should never put your dirty ass feet in your table. That is a good way to contaminate shit. Cleaner is better, a mat a t your door with some bleach in it will also keep out pests that come in on those cool ass "sneakers"


Active Member
As far as the plants you are trying to save, a good trim up job I would also say is needed. Now that they are damaged you should really reduce the size of them, it will help the chances of the plant recovering. I would be only foliar feeding them with water, and some liquid Karma. I would also lower the ppm, to half what you were @ to help them retake. From the look of the photo, you might want to get some new clones going, or new seed stock asap. If you had a mother I would say to ice these bitches and start over with the help of the people on the forum. If you take pics we can really see what is going on and help you.

oh yea, and I like you shoes and all but you should never put your dirty ass feet in your table. That is a good way to contaminate shit. Cleaner is better, a mat a t your door with some bleach in it will also keep out pests that come in on those cool ass "sneakers"
When you say trim them, Do you mean cut the plant down or just trim off the dying leaves?

Also should I put them back under 24 hr light untill they come back or leave them at 12/12?