I appreciate what you are saying this time around, and thank you for your graciousness, but what you said before was clearly and indictment on my veracity and motive. I didn't just fall off the turnip truck. But you are a good person at your core, I feel, because you have come forward like this showing that you are a man -- not a fucking child like some in here.
Well, thanks. I do appreciate that. I think it says a lot about you that you would notice that in the words of someone who is criticizing you, and even more about you that you would be evenhanded enough to mention it in "the heat of battle", so to speak. +respect, man.
But as for indicting your veracity... well, I don't consider you a dishonest man by any means. Let's just say that you're as much a marketer as you are a filmmaker. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with it - you've got to do what you've got to do to sell your product. More power to you. But let's call it what it is. It seems to a lot of us here that you've been strategically bumping your thread on a regular basis to keep the interest up and the discussion going. Some people call it "stringing us along", and you seem to take offense to that. I don't know why; I wouldn't if I were in your shoes. It is what it is, I don't think most people really mind that you're doing it. And those who do - fuck 'em. They don't have to read the thread or buy the DVD if they don't want to. Let 'em think what they want to think.
I don't see why you seem to feel a need to engage them head-on. It's the internet; there's always going to be someone who doesn't agree with you, or doesn't understand you, or doesn't like you. If you stop to do battle with every one of them, or try to persuade them, you'll spend your entire online time standing in the mud by the side of the road trying to convince people who will never - ever - change their minds. You'll never get anywhere. Fuck 'em. Keep moving forward and let those few fall by the wayside.
As for questioning your motives - well, jesus, man. All I did was point out that you yourself have given us several different motives for your project. I'm not questioning your motive at all, because I have no vested interest in what that motive might be. All that matters to me is that you've made a very entertaining and informative movie that I can't wait to buy. Your motives for making it are totally irrelevant to me, so I have no need to question them. But you can hardly blame me for noticing that you've given several different motives, can you? I'm not questioning anything, I'm just making a direct and verifiable observation.
That's all I'm saying. I don't want to fight with you, because you haven't done me any harm. I'm still at a loss to understand why you seem to think we
are fighting. This thread is a year old, 200 pages and 2,000 posts long. You can't expect every single post, and every single poster, to fall into lockstep and say nothing but purely positive things. Any discussion that involves that many people, over that long a period of time, is going to wander off in a lot of different little directions, and some of those little paths are inevitably going to be a little rocky. Some of the feedback you get is bound to be a little critical. Having a little bit thicker skin might help a bit.
Anyway, like i said before, good luck to you. Peace. Out.