My pot movie

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Well-Known Member
hell ya...Thats what we need now a Guerrilla Room with browndirtwarrior as the mod in I know I would be tuned in...


Well-Known Member
He should talk to RIU and get a nice link to his T.V Page,website and track who buys his dvd, RIU gets there share,so does the warrior...Web sites aren't cheap I know I have a few myself.


Well-Known Member
I think BDW has washed his hands with RIU. He's not the one asking to be unbanned but the argument of why he was banned in the first place. Anyways... LET'S SMOKE :mrgreen::blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
The owner of RIU is making good money off this site ( It takes mucho persistence and work to build a site up ). He is not out any cash here so don't worry heh.
I wasnt worried about RIU not profiting but he should be able to profit off all who profit from the use of his site,business 1st :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Brwndirt, you straight up blew the fourms up!!! I guess its safe to say that you are the "Fonzy" in the pot culture, lol.


Well-Known Member
Hey Panhead, how do I sign the petition for the medcinal marijuana, I live in the tri-city area and have no information at all on it. Help a fella out.
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