My pot movie

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Well-Known Member
well i dont think id want that particular one. actually, i think id kill that one just because of its service to bush, and then thro its body away, not even cook it. dirty turkey


Well-Known Member
Although this is a feature length film, I try to make each broken up episode for youtube...a stand alone art piece. And, as you may be aware, you can't rush art. Having said that, episode 8 is almost ready to go.
ahh very true. you can't rush your art. i just enjoy these episodes so much that i check youtube everyday. i would love to see your art blow up and be recognized by millions. you actually inspired me to do my first indoor grow. i would love to pick your brain, but don't worry i am not the type to stalk you through pm's and such haha. keep up this great work.:peace:


Well-Known Member
i love the background image you made for the myspace. it flows really well, i like it a whole lot.

and the fact that you have a dude dropping in from a chopper is fucking awesome. well, the pic is, im sure the experience of having some dude drop in on your crop was not so awesome.
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