My pot movie

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Well-Known Member
oh goody episode 10 looks very very nice, i cant wait...... thanks for the trailer.

you da fuckin mad browndirtwarrior..i can only hope to get close to where you have gotton with a true fan and i expect to learn much off of you..i really love the videos..put it on DVD i swear id buy it..this is like the only thing i have a real lke passion for..nothin really interests me as growing does..all i can say is you da man dog!!!keep it up bro, im gonna try my hand at outdoor this coming spring..wish me luck and question..will i be able to find legit dirt in the woods or would it just not grow unless i dig a hole and all that??you are an inspiration and i sincerly wish you the best of luck and LOTS of budz..the way you bust your ass for those plants you deserve it man...

OMG..NO OH MY FUCKING GOD...i just seen the trailer and the guy with the helicopter..thats sick shit man..i gotta see this whole move..i wont settle for stoked about this...i hope this shit blows up all across america..and canada too
Love the enthusiasm bro!

And remember: soil has its place, but there is a reason I work so hard. get my DVD in the spring for the Masters' grow guide.
oh ps..who did that blazing ganja song???he's good..i rap and bro id totally do a song for the want proof im not wack check this - S to da K.I T to da Z.O!!!!!!!S.M.P - TROY, New York - Rap - were like radio type songs..but for the budz id go all out..BLAZZZING GANJAAA!!i fuckin love it!!!
It's Matts Anderson and Dylan Murray out of Toronto. More original material from then written for the show. I'l check your stuff out, thanks!


Well-Known Member
That last piece with your wife? It'd play funnier if u speeded up her voice to sound like a chipmunk, instead of slowing it like yours.... she sounds like a dude. Just a thought.


Well-Known Member
I'm liking the looks of episode 10. Can't wait for it, also can't wait for the DVD. I don't know if your keeping this a secret, but how may episodes we looking at?

Mad Hatter

Well-Known Member
Dude... Dude... DUDE, this is hands down one of the most entertaining things I have watched in a long time. Thanks for taking the time and rocking so hard. Good luck, health, and happiness!!
only 45 seconds, you dam tease. where can i pick up the dvd when its done? you rock man.:mrgreen: :joint:
thanks for the support. After all the shows are up (12 or 13), the high res DVD without breaks will be coming out -- complete with bonus features such as a how to and MP3s of the original songs written for the show. Links will be posted on my youtube channel.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the support. After all the shows are up (12 or 13), the high res DVD without breaks will be coming out -- complete with bonus features such as a how to and MP3s of the original songs written for the show. Links will be posted on my youtube channel.
I want to buy ^^ :hump:


Well-Known Member
heh yep ill be buying one, support the cause, bdw deserves it =]

yeah the teaser did just that haha TEASE ME!!! PLEASE ME!!!!

my mom told me that lying never pays off, well in the right cases it does!!, seems your wife may realize that now too, and im sure she is happier now :hump:

Alotta women get way to paranoid "i dont think we should do this", "i dont like lying to people about what you are doing", "what if we get caught".......... but when its all done, they are right there happy as can be, smokin it with ya, and spending your money! haha women are great really, but sometimes they nag a little to much, worry too much, intuition whatever u wanna call it....... but we still love em.... :hump:

so all that lying she did has paid off, i should send ole ma a copy of your dvd, and show her that lying sometimes pays off big time =]

besides those are white lies =]

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