New Member
Damn guess he never gonna tell me what starin he grew.Usually 3rd times the charm but no go oh well
this is the movie thread. Sorry, I'm busy here trying to get this up for you guys...
Damn guess he never gonna tell me what starin he grew.Usually 3rd times the charm but no go oh well
Hell yeah bowndirt, this new ones gonna be kickass, i can feel it!
Man, 105 pages today and all on one subject.........thats my brains running out of my ears, not eggs.
Im gonna go out on a limb and give my honest opinion on this movie. It pretty much fucking rocks. I started watching it thinking......."HOLY SHIT WHAT IS THIS POT HEAD THINKING?!!!!" and as I read this and went thru more and more scenes, it became very apparent that there is a huge underlying sentiment to this entire project.
Its not about braggery. Its not about being an attention seeking whore. Its not even about weed so much as it is about the inner struggles men face within themselves and how some men take such pride in something that they stare it down like a lion does its prey.
Ive been so compelled by the tenacity of the movie so far that I cant wait for the final installments. I need to see the fruition of the movie even if the plot twist is so insane and circus like that I pull my hair out in frustration!
I want to root for Brown Dirt Warrior and what is left of his crop. I want to see the so called "bad guy" actually come out on top. This movie has shown me so many emotional elements in such a short burst of clips.......Courage, Fear, Frustration, Angst, Satifaction..........and a half dozen more.
Id like to say its been all worth the rollercoaster ticket.......and Im sure it will be.
Know this BDW, I fully intend to wait out the rest of this movie and I will have a copy of its feature production. The paradoxical nature of it is too enticing for me not to. You make men want to do bad things for good reasons.