Well-Known Member
the winner of the rat race is still a rat

WTF? The guy did it to himself! Of course it would have been seriously uncool for anyone to post the guy's real name, but jesus christ, give me a break! First he posted detailed personal information about his past accomplishments, information so specific that anyone who googled it would probably have a pretty good idea who he was. Then, he asked everyone not to reveal his identity. Then, when a couple of people asked him a few more questions, he said he didn't want to talk about it anymore because he'd already said too much.
So, what's he do then? Posts another whole paragraph with even more detailed personal information. I'm not saying that have made it right for anyone who figured it out to post his real name, but I am saying it would have been his own damned fault for posting everything but his social security number and then asking everybody to ignore it.
Jesus, the drama this thread generates is hilarious. I like the guy too, and I'm looking forward to buying the DVD, but get a grip, people. If you don't want anyone to know who you are, then don't tell the entire fucking interweb who you are. It's really just that simple.
If they make a martyr out of me, I'll rise from the ashes like a phoenix. .
that thundred across the hills from Rohan to Gondor.~said with a deep booming voice and ominous music playing the back ground~
Oh, I wasn't accusing Mr. Dirt Warrior of contradicting himself in any way. I wasn't aware that it was you who deleted the posts, but I applaud you for doing it. It was the right thing to do. There's no sense in making it any easier on the opposition than we have to!Everything you say may be true.. and it does not contradiction or go against anything anybody has posted or did.. I erased the posts with no outside input.... i just did it cause I felt the contribution those posts made to the thread were out weighed by the risks
If Mr. Dirt Warrior posted his real name on here.. I would probably erase that post too. I am not interested in this website being a a tool for LEO.
Although I love the drama!!! LOL
SO there is no contradiction from Mr. Dirt Twirler.... it is me who just erased the posts... like a DICK TATOR
as DEA Sauron shivered in frightthat thundred across the hills from Rohan to Gondor.
I don't know. Could be any one of a number of things. But as for "assuming" the police are reading this forum, we don't need to assume - I can guarantee you cops are registered here and browse here. Guarantee it. I'm not saying every day, every thread (I'm sure they have no more use for the "How Many Pounds Will I get From Each Plant?" and "What's The Strongest Strain?" threads than most of the rest of us do), but threads like this one - threads where we're exchanging information on how to get away with growing dope and keep them from arresting us - I absolutely guarantee that some cops, somewhere, are reading some of them, if not most of them. And they're learning from them. I'm not going to tell you how I know that, because I'm not going to give away any personal details about my life and my past careers, but I will say that I have a fair amount of firsthand knowledge about how narcotics cops think and how they do their jobs. Cops read these forums. Count on it.Let's assume the "man" IS watching. I've been posting this saga for like 8 months. What are they waiting for? The ending? And have I insulated myself well enough -- covered the IPs and put everything material at arm's length? One would hope so but there are always mistakes. Maybe they are waiting for more film evidence so I can hang myself on a conspiracy beef? What are the legal implications anyway if all they get is the footage? Conspiracy to grow marijuana? what's the penalty for that? Maybe I've already been busted and haven't told anyone? Could I have been arrested in episode 11 or 12 and they weren't interested in the camera or footage (or maybe overlooked it) so I was at least able to walk away with my documentary? And, finally, the quintessential query: Is getting arrested and charged worth what I am doing?
All these things bring more questions than answers.
Why is that?well that had bad karma written all over it!![]()