FDD,so far you have been the most critical member on this forum of the brown dirt thread,i see your explaination above but i have to think there is more,is there ?,sure seems to me there is.
When i read this post i was instantly struck by the hypocricy of it,we all watch on this forum as legal med card holders lablel them selves as lazy stoners on a daily basis, in many threads, yet nobody speaks out about that,we also watch while legal med card holders help growers accomplish illegal grows,then brag in open forum about spending the proceeds on Dodge Vipers,same deal,its all good & not one person has one thing to say about it.
So let me get this straight,legal med patients helping illegal grows is ok,then bragging about buying a Dodge Viper with the proceeds is ok too,but brown dirts 30 second clip about a Harley is galmorizing criminal activity

As far as showing that WE can follow the rules you cant be serious can you,a 12 year old child can see that many people here are crushing every rule in the book on a daily basis,you dont have to be a rocket scientist to see the weights in some of these "legal grows" on this site dont jive with the law.
I think its great,to hell with their rules,im all for breaking THE RULES, but to continually condem or criticize one member while ignoring all the others, then gladly participating in others rule breaking activity seems very hypocratic to me.
Seems to me its like the pot calling the kettle black.