My Precious 10


:joint:These are all in fox farm soil growing in the most hideous place i have ever seen, but they love it's surroundings. This is an advanced strain of some sort that was given to me by a friend that put it through many generations. Its defense mechanism is incredible considering where its at. Bugs, misquotes, tick ass armpit of a spot. Hot and humid as hell, almost a swampy environment. It get so disgusting in there after 5 minutes and if you are not in shape and hydrated you are in a world of pain. but these are looking good enough to move to bigger pots tomorrow so my wish is my command. How do you they they are looking so far?



Looking pretty damn healthy to me, but I bet they can't wait to be paroled.


their roots want to go nuts!. i am gona let them out of their prison. Ah nothing like fresh new organic soil on roots that are taking off!


moved them to 3 gallon pots. this is gonna b a nice success. first signs of sex today. 3 females identified. 0 males identified. cross my fingers that the 12 that I have left will be females too.



The precious 10 are now the precious 9. I eradicated 1 male and so far I have 3 females. Waiting for the sex to drop any time now on the others!. Any tips care to share?


Well-Known Member
i hope you plan on bringin em you precious 10 inside, because they need more time than is left in the season. especially indica doms like that, since its near 12/12 time (where i am at least) have any of them shown sex?

they like 100X better than they did at first, have you been feeding them yet?


Well-Known Member
you remind me of an idea i had when i first started growing and needed to decide between indoor and out, with those chicken wire fences. my idea was to set up a fence around the perimeter of the plant and let it grow through the mesh of the chicken wire and keep putting up more chicken wire fences as the plant grew. i was hoping the result would be like a vertical and 360 degree SOG

and for the record, i was drunk stoned and jammed last night, and may have gotten my ind's and sat's confused, my b


Well-Known Member
i have the same problem with one of my plants and im upper mid west........its fucking mid agust and its not even started to flower....only pre flower....its susposed to be a quick 7-8 week flowerer but shit with weather by me idk but the funy thing is one of my plants is already in 3 weeks of flowering so i suspose worst comes to worst harvest that one ill get about an ounce...which for me is fine..and let the other one hopefully hermi and just let the seeds fall to the ground so i can get natural growth next year which would be awsome as fuck


Hey everyone. Thought I would post this to show you my results so you could see the progress since the first photo I took.
The reason why I planted these in the beginning of July is because my last crop of 24 got eaten in 1 day by these unidentified critters. A week later my friend got a hold of his old dealer who use to grow and my boy was given some seeds that evidently came from some strong Indica which is what you see. I'm here in the south and it is still hot as hell and I don't see it cooling down any time soon. If the summer is anything like last, the sun will be blazing hard until late October. I have 4 females that are taking off and I am waiting on the response from the rest of the 5. I had to eradicate 1 male from the bunch, but I got him out of there before the pollen sacks could drop :clap:.
What I have noticed that is making these things grow like crazy is watering when the top layer of soil is completely dry at night so the roots have time to rehydrate completely until the sun rises in the morning. Also folar feeding is making these leaves increase tremendously at such a rapid rate each time I do so. I water every 3 to 4 days and do the folar watering everyday using Fox Farms Big Bloom. I mix 3/4 to 1 table spoon of Big bloom with one gallon of water keeping the pH between 5.5 and 6.0. Since I have been very consistant with these 2 methods lately, the results have been astounding. I am goign to start increasing the Big Bloom dosage on the females next time I water and just keep the folar feeding levels the same since they are producing wonderful results. I didn't start folar watering until they looked strong enough to take the fertilization shock if they didn't take to it. :weed:



Well-Known Member
lookin real good, i liked the backwards time line too, shows their development. 4/1/5 female/male/unknown isnt a bad ratio at all


Well-Known Member
Are they flowering yet? If you have some veg time left watch for the plants to become rootbound. If they do you will want to transplant into larger containers.


Active Member
ok i see what you are saying. excess build up on the buds from the fertilizer will make it moldy. ill stop now then. nice suggestion :clap:
its not the excessive build up of fertazlier only dew can be just as bad. mold and fungus thrive on moisture, so goin around sprayin liquid on them isnt really a good thing. just use your bloom nutes in the water now


4 of the ladies started to first flower about 5 or 6 days. i transplanted them about 10 to 12 days ago into 3 and 1/2 gallon buckets. the pics make it look like they are in much smaller pots. thanks for the heads up. i am new at this as it is my first time growing outdoors to this extent. any tips are appreciated.

Are they flowering yet? If you have some veg time left watch for the plants to become rootbound. If they do you will want to transplant into larger containers.