My wifes half of the big bed is the other form of lazy. Nursry bought plants. 4 maters big boy, better boy, Sunkist, sweet 100. 1 banana pepper(always do well in our yard) some cucs. The bed by the pourch is all succulents and daliahs plus a few more cucs on the trellis in the middle. 2 thin rows we keep greens in but we never tore down last year's kale now its monstrous. Little bed on the left is my strawberry patch the one on the right has 2 heads of cabbage 2 heads of coliflower and a artichoke bush. Never done a artichoke plant before.Not weed related.
Wanting to focus more on my canibus gardening this year my side of the vegetable garden this year is almost all volunteers. I planted a row of marigolds (only non consumable plant I grow) and 2 pots of melons. I got many tomatoes, at least 1 squash. About 5 probably cucumber vines 1 tiny peper sprout and I'm not sure it's done sprouting yet
Rosemary bush is a cutting from my mom's house, the mother plant is 16 now and on the decline. We have had the pineapple bush for 3 years now. Don't think we will get it to bloom it looks less happy now then I ever remember, lady it came from said she did get its mother to bloom, here in VA but it was a small fruit and took 5 years.