My Pumpkin Bong


Active Member
My girlfriend and I were bored last night and we were tired of smoking the same old pieces, so after searching the internets for fun ways to puff I came across a picture of a pumpkin bong. Well I had some spare parts laying around and this is what i came up with.......


It works better than I could have hoped, because as you pull the whole pumpkin fills with smoke (yes it does have a faint pumpkin taste) and even when the bud is burnt out you still pull huge hits!

I would highly recommend this for a fun fall project


Active Member
thanks guys, if you want i took pictures and did a step-by-step on how to build this if anyone wants me to post it i will but its a pretty easy concept especially if you have experience building bongs


Well-Known Member
If only you had this for the homemade bong contest you would have took 1st place for sure


Active Member
wait there was a homemade bong contest? damn i wish i wasnt a n00b on this site lol.....and this isnt even the best homemade bong ive made. (that would be a self contained grav made out of two 2 liter soda bottles and a stop at home depot) but this pumpkin thing was just a fun 10 min project i wanted to try. im glad to see people like this kind of stuff :-)


Active Member
i am definitely going to do this... i will be purchasing my pumpkin tonight... we should have a best pumpkin bong contest on here!! that would be lots of fun!!


Active Member
i think when i get home tonight im going to the store and buying a mini pumpkin and trying that out....i think it would be cool to have a mini pumpkin bong...

it will be a hell of a lot easier/safer to get it to and from Halloween parties

and the craziest pumpkin bong contest should start right now! Oct 31 Deadline?


Active Member
yeah maybe the 30th as alot of people may be busy getting fucked up at halloween parties on the 31st....


Active Member
Yea man good whoever wants to make a pumpkin bong post their pics here by OCT 30 and then everyone can vote for the best.....ready.....set......GO!

Happy Carving!

P.S. Use the the sharp objects before puffing lol ;-)