hey sunbiz, that your pet bear in your avatar pic? lol whats he like when you get him stoned? hope he dosent get the munchies like MH's dogs you be F%$#ED
i dont have bubble bags, just miced all the trim in with ice and water blended it for about 1/2 an hour strained all the shat out now ill let it sit in 5 gal bucket for a few hours, siphon off the top and dump into smalled bucket, let sit for 4-5 more hours, siphon again then pour into wax paper or foil and toss in oven at low temp to dry out the water.i love bubble hash!!!! tast delicioius!!!!! i would love to get some hash bags soon
i dont agree with forcing it on an animal, i.e stuffing a small cat/dog into a bag and fishbowling it. but my puppy was more than happy to eat that bud plane jane and if she likes the smoke she will come get a toke if she wants it. i had a dog one that anytime you lit up she would come sit on your lap and when u exhale would put her nose right in it.Again OP I am sincerely sorry. I will let the thread continue on as usual. Carry on.
Personally, I don't agree with getting your dogs high, but to each his own.
I lost track of the thread, but it was regarding breeder recommendations. Can/are you willing to recommend one or so for straight Acapulco gold or Panamanian Red?. I want to do an old school sativa project, but Sensi etc don't carry these strains.
I got a little off topic there, sorry .... and I am sorry that I could not tell you where you can find real true Acapulco Gold or real true Panama Red."When Barneys learned that we were selling our weed to other shops they called the police who showed up at the grow at 12 am on a tip 6 hours after Barney threatened to ratt out our grow becouse I wanted to share the pink kush with Grey area"
"the reason my seed listing is sparce at the moment is totally becouse Banrneys farm and Freakje and Barneys other jack booted henchmen ratted us out simply becouse we wanted to share my lifes work with other shops who deserve to have access to it.
Rather than potentially loose becouse of my willingness to spread the love he threatened to ratt me out and did !
Barneys farm is 100% about $$$ he could care less about the plant the people or the culture .
He was funded by his old IRA budddies who he threatened to have kill me over this affair.
I publickly confronted him about his ratting in the 420 in amsterdam I stayed around for about 2 hours shortly after I left a group of junky thugs came in looking to beat my ass .
John sinclair was there as were many other notables in the amsterdam scene , so essentially Barneys farms entry is a fraud a theft but what can you expect from a guy who is driven by his alcohol fueled dilusion of grander ?
On the surface he seems like a nice irish gentleman the first indication of his true nature is how he treats his staff and even his own son like he owns them!
respectfully Reeferman
PS if you want to try reeferman strains check out the dampkring !"
two words, humane society. To all you talking shit on bricktop you seem more like pricks than he does, don't get me wrong, I'm a motherfucking prick for sure, I don't claim to know much other than everyday things that have gotten me through life, now when you little pricks start talking shit on your elders you can go and fuck yourselves , you MAY one day be old yourself. The movie idiocracy is becoming more and more true to life every fucking day I'm still in this fucked up place, you the youth can have this shit.man this bitch got hijacked.......
dam started this for people to share thier stories of getting thier pets stoned and now its a bitchfest......
U no ur rong!I think Maturity has something to do with it. As people get older they gain knowledge and that includes proper grammar. Not everyone but most get tired of looking like an uneducated individual and take the time to learn. What gets me is when someone try's to share they get insulted. Again I guess its a maturity thing.
Oh yea, I almost forgot why I was here.
My golden is about a year and a half old now, last year as a puppy he took a huge bud, (like 10 inches long) off the table while I was trimming and ran outside with it.
By the time I got to it there wasn't much left. Now we got a deal, he leaves the buds alone and I let him clean up after the trim. He doesn't do a very good job though.
two words, humane society. To all you talking shit on bricktop you seem more like pricks than he does, don't get me wrong, I'm a motherfucking prick for sure, I don't claim to know much other than everyday things that have gotten me through life, now when you little pricks start talking shit on your elders you can go and fuck yourselves , you MAY one day be old yourself. The movie idiocracy is becoming more and more true to life every fucking day I'm still in this fucked up place, you the youth can have this shit.
Bear=Chicago Bears...but I do have a story. Back in HS my Spanish teacher had a German Shepard. One day we got the bright idea to give the dog a shotgun. At first, someone had to hold his nose but after a while he got used to...and eventually liked it!.hey sunbiz, that your pet bear in your avatar pic? lol whats he like when you get him stoned? hope he dosent get the munchies like MH's dogs you be F%$#ED
lol what does the humane society have to do with it? my animals are propery fed (probally over fed) always have clean water and are alsways taken outside to do thier buisness, i dont kenell my animals and i dont beat them. if the dog likes bud, its not cruel or inhumane to feed it to them so you can kiss my @$$ on that note.two words, humane society. To all you talking shit on bricktop you seem more like pricks than he does, don't get me wrong, I'm a motherfucking prick for sure, I don't claim to know much other than everyday things that have gotten me through life, now when you little pricks start talking shit on your elders you can go and fuck yourselves , you MAY one day be old yourself. The movie idiocracy is becoming more and more true to life every fucking day I'm still in this fucked up place, you the youth can have this shit.
gimmie about(oops) 15 minutes, I just took my geritol/vitamin e/cialis/xan cocktail.feel better???? i sure do
here's an idea, call them and ask them how they feel about you getting little fido loaded.lol what does the humane society have to do with it? my animals are propery fed (probally over fed) always have clean water and are alsways taken outside to do thier buisness, i dont kenell my animals and i dont beat them. if the dog likes bud, its not cruel or inhumane to feed it to them so you can kiss my @$$ on that note.