Well-Known Member
"the air stones are needed in the res's to keep plenty of oxygen in the water. it also helps keep the nutes stirred."
I've definitely gotta look into those, are they expensive?
"First off you should ask all your questions in your own thread."
I actually have my own thread where I met Bugsrnme... I just figured that I would make things easier on him to post my questions in his thread instead of my own. I plan on keeping up with his thread anyway cause our grows are so closely related. If you really think about it Lord Dangly Bits, Bugsrnme stated early on that he started this thread as an educational piece to help other growers better understand and learn. If anything, I feel like I'm contributing with questions in making this thread more informative. Not trying to take over another persons thread, just trying to learn. Please don't label me with "ignorance" that's not me at all.
"Now that being said, I use those plastic 55 gallon barrels with the lid still on it.. LOCKED in place."
That actually sounds ideal, I did some research and the only thing that I've found so far that compares to what you're talking about is these rain barrels I can get from the utility company. 75 bucks each and they hold about 65 gallons. They aren't black, but a dark green don't know what that would really matter though.
"Do you talk like you type? DO you smoke weed or crack? LOL "
Hahaha last night was crazy! I'm a literature major so usually my posts are a lot more formatted. Last night was just a blur of frustration and lack of sleep. I'll work on my run-on's and scattered questions next time I promise!
"ABF states if you can drink it you can grow in it."
Haha I like that saying... It seems like it would be rather true, I mean we are growing "WEEDS" and those fuckers can be resilient to a lot of shit.
The plants in the reservoir that I used right out of the faucet are doing really good. I was thinking though... I mean yea it may not be best for your plants to use water that hasn't sat out, but in all reality how long do most people recommend you let your water sit out for? Most responses I've gotten have always been around 24 hours. So that makes me think what the hell? So what if I fill my reservoirs with water straight from the tap? In 24 hours the chlorine will have evaporated anyway right? I think I'm going to just try this... I'll work some sort of water hose connection up to my bathtub faucet and just run a line to my tubs. I do need to invest in a PPM reader... I think that's what I'll be doing tomorrow after work (more money into the pit... ***Cough, cough, I mean investment) Thank you for all your help Sparkafire! 
I've definitely gotta look into those, are they expensive?
"First off you should ask all your questions in your own thread."
I actually have my own thread where I met Bugsrnme... I just figured that I would make things easier on him to post my questions in his thread instead of my own. I plan on keeping up with his thread anyway cause our grows are so closely related. If you really think about it Lord Dangly Bits, Bugsrnme stated early on that he started this thread as an educational piece to help other growers better understand and learn. If anything, I feel like I'm contributing with questions in making this thread more informative. Not trying to take over another persons thread, just trying to learn. Please don't label me with "ignorance" that's not me at all.
"Now that being said, I use those plastic 55 gallon barrels with the lid still on it.. LOCKED in place."
That actually sounds ideal, I did some research and the only thing that I've found so far that compares to what you're talking about is these rain barrels I can get from the utility company. 75 bucks each and they hold about 65 gallons. They aren't black, but a dark green don't know what that would really matter though.
"Do you talk like you type? DO you smoke weed or crack? LOL "
Hahaha last night was crazy! I'm a literature major so usually my posts are a lot more formatted. Last night was just a blur of frustration and lack of sleep. I'll work on my run-on's and scattered questions next time I promise!
"ABF states if you can drink it you can grow in it."
Haha I like that saying... It seems like it would be rather true, I mean we are growing "WEEDS" and those fuckers can be resilient to a lot of shit.