my raised beds,new pics,painted


Well-Known Member
ive never had a mice problem either. never even knew they would chew on a plant. but ive got 2 dead mice as of today and i cant imagine what else it could be. i set new traps and more poison-which i dont like but got to do it. well here is some photos i took from my non mouse spot today with a borrowed camera-thanks mom. but yea it must be mice cant think of anything else rabbits chew them down farther ive dealt with them. the good thing is they have not touched any since the first 6. after that i took some measures that seem to be working-habanaro hot sauce on the bottom stems, and mixture of cayane pepper, carlic powder, pepper and i know im missing something but it keeps them away it seems. now im killing the basterds.

this area was made for 6 plants and i ended up puting 9 there. its getting crouded and im tying them away from each other. may have to do some serious thining.ive already done some.



Well-Known Member
just using green colored bamboo stakes with twine. only have 4' right now going to get some 6' tomarrow. they are getting pretty branchy. and thanks for the + bro.


Well-Known Member
Damn those are some huge leaves. Ive got a few Mandala Satori going now, and they have pretty big fan leaves, but they pale in comparison to those. Even my Chunky Cinderella's can't match fan leaves that big jeez. I bet those leaves would probably obscure your whole face :)


Well-Known Member
they are big. im impressed myself. but the plant is not by far my largest just the biggest leaves. im hoping for an equally big cola in fall.


Well-Known Member
reuse. hide them well and reuse. the soil costs lots of dough. and it gets better with time. add another bale or two and good to go. there will be plenty of worms and beneficial organizams (spl?) next year and things only get better. must hide them well. in winter they are quite exposed. then again if they dont get found in summer they wont in winter.


Well-Known Member
the copper wire keeps slugs from passing over. for some reason they wont cross it. snails will but slugs wont.


Well-Known Member
Damn bro I haven't stopped by in awhile either. Got yourself a nice jungle going. Wasn't too sure about the raised beds out the bush at first, but it looks like it's paying off for ya! That's gotta take balls. This is the first time you're doing the raised beds guerilla style, isn't it?


Well-Known Member
sorry havent been around in a bit. its been a busy summer lots to do. not just with garden but music shows, parties, been doing lots of hiking, well you get the picture. anyway here is a couple shots from the other day. nothing realy to show untill they flower. ill post some iranians that have been flowering for a few weeks if i get there later. i was there last week in a downpoor and left the camera in the car. sort of how i trashed the last one. ill gat by and post more later. just didnt want you all to think im in the slammer or something.



Well-Known Member
thanks guys! yea they are also bent over a bit so they are 7' in the photos but the stalk is more like 8.5' thats about is big is i can get them in my area for this time of year. i hope the next 2 months go well. after my mishaps with mice ive got 11 females over 6' and some smaller bushes. along with 14 autos 11 iranians 7 flowering well and 3 lowryder#2 x ak 47. the latter are a joke they started flowering at 14 days and will be lucky to produce 25-30 gms. but they smell nice and are a novelty nothing more i guess. so all told its been fun so far. was hoping for a bigger plant count but i had problems. always problems, good thing i dont do this for a living. then again if i could grow them in my backyard im sure things would go a little more my way.
pics are of the lowryders one is a double of the same plant couldnt figure which was the same so just put all 4. but there are only 3 plants. peace.

