My raised beds


Well-Known Member
Just thought I would share my raised bed operation. Right now I have four 4x8 beds. Two are made of concrete blocks, and 2 are made of eastern Red Cedar trees I cut on my farm. My soil is a mix of peat moss, composted cow manure, horse manure and perlite. I am going to put one more bed in, giving me 5. Doing the square foot garden method. Hope you enjoy!


Cabbage and Brocolli is all I have out right now.



Active Member
looks good! I've been debating lately to stop tilling and just put in raised beds. what else do you plan on planting?


Well-Known Member
The cedar will last forever. It's very rot resistant, and lots of insects don't like it. All I did was cut some trees down at least 8" in diameter, cut out logs 8' long, and split them in hald with some wedges and sledge hammer. Beats paying for lumber at the home improvement store. As for not tilling anymore, I agree, raised beds are the way to go.

I plan on planting beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, spinach, melons, all kinds of stuff. I am still going to grow my corn in a tilled garden bed though.


Well-Known Member
I built the same at my moms house, well it was 8 4x4's with cages, darn city pests, bunnies, squirrels, theyd eat it all with no cages.

Looks great!


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone. I put about 48 red onions in, along with about 60 some radishes. A little late on the radishes, but they should be fine with some cool weather still ahead. I also built a 4x4 potato box with some 2x6's I had laying around. Planted 16 potatoes, one to each square. Yukon Golds. First time doing potatoes, so next year I will try some different varieties.



Well-Known Member
Great job! I hope to be that deep next year. It costs so much to start stuff up, I have one 4x4 box with no dirt in it and one box wit a similar mix to yours.

The cat eating my GDP clone forced me to stick my girl in the box with the collards, kales, and kentucky wonder beans. HOpefully the interminglying roots wont hurt her!


Your an animal man. Fell and split your own lumber to grow your own food? I love it. I'm having my coffee and then going out to work on my raised beds. I don't have any trees I can use but I'll figure something out. Chili peppers have sprouted. Can't wait. Right on got me all fired up right now to go move some dirt.


Well-Known Member
Locust is also a good type of tree to use if you are using your own trees. Not sure if they are out in So Cal. The cedar here grows like crazy.


Well-Known Member
Cabbage, Brocolli, Lettuce, Onions all doing great. Radishes are coming up. Here is a picture of the first stuff I planted when I started this thread.




Active Member
wow nice bed, i might have to post mine all these look so good.

what are those in the back in the middle