My response to the flouride in the water post...


Well-Known Member
My lord. I enjoy growing my own homegrown as much as the next guy. However, I think folks that claim the Government and everyone else is out to get them is missing the point. MARIJUANA INDUCES PARANOIA. And no, that doesn't mean that everyone that doesn't smoke it is a SHEEP. It's this kind of freaking malarky which keeps marijuana a schedule I drug. Knock the shit off. Just because you're high doesn't mean the world is out to get you. In fact, most people, or "squares" could give a shit what you do. You're not that important. Stop imagining the world is out to get you ERGO THAT THE WORLD REVOLVES AROUND YOU. Rest assured that most people couldn't give a shit whether you live or die. Yes some people get arrested for smoking/growing but that is because its illegal. Yes it is an injustice because its not that big of a deal. But the fact remains that the overwhelming majority can do both their entire life and never be punished. Everyone knows of someone, if not them, that had a cop simply make them throw their shit out and not take them to jail. Buts thats because they probably treated the cop like a human being and not some "pig trying to take their rights, man!". Its the difference between a moron and a sophisticate who keeps their love/hobby to themselves. Grow up and keep your mouth shut. And those of you that talk and act like morons you're giving pot a bad name. Stop talking about it because you make it harder for us intellectuals who believe in its legality to make it exactly that. LEGAL! There isn't shit in the water. Don't believe me watch this: YouTube - Sprinkler Rainbow Conspiracy TARDED!
If you disagree with me please write back. I would love to debate you on this. Yes the world is a fucked up place. Yes greed causes a tremendous amount of problems. But it is not a giant conspiracy by the government to turn the world into a prison camp. I'm out.


Well-Known Member
Right!? Rainbows in a sprinkler!? Are you f'ing kidding me!? Did you not a have a childhood where you could run through a freaking sprinkler? Sad...