My room is 100% ready this time i think?

well, it looks good, but its been my experience that no matter how well you prepare, once you actually get started you'll make at least a few trips to the hardware for stuff you forgot / didn't forsee the need for.
how big is that shed? looks a little small for 4 1k lights. its winter now, how you gonna cool it in the summer? 4 1K hps produce a good amount of heat.
not trying to be critical, just trying to think of things that might pop up down the road
well, it looks good, but its been my experience that no matter how well you prepare, once you actually get started you'll make at least a few trips to the hardware for stuff you forgot / didn't forsee the need for.
how big is that shed? looks a little small for 4 1k lights. its winter now, how you gonna cool it in the summer? 4 1K hps produce a good amount of heat.
not trying to be critical, just trying to think of things that might pop up down the road
Gonna switch to leds, saving money for em. The ones I want are around $1800 each 4×6 cobs
This is my second round and your right im always getting stuff i forgot or that may work better than what im doing but I'll get it sooner or later just gotta keep growing toll I get it right
my one bit of advice that hasn't been stated here already would be to consider having an "in the room" pair of shoes, or flip flops or something. This will help eliminate the possibility of bringing things in from the outside. I also ALWAYS change my clothes before venturing into the room, especially if I've been outside or at the grow never know what you might be dragging with you that could ruin months of hard work.

Another thought - is your floor concrete? you said that you wouldn't want to take of fyour shoes because it was cold, but if it's too cold for your feet, it might be too cold for your plants to grow well in. Your root zone should be warm - at least 65 to 70 if not warmer - so if you are growing on concrete throw down some insulation (2" thick maybe) and some plywood to supply the hard surface to grow on. This should help, but just keep that root zone warm or else you'll be disappointed and really wondering why - I had to learn this the hard way.

Last thought - there are cheaper options available other than hydrostores - hardware stores, online, and even normal gardening stores have the same or similar equipment usually much cheaper than a grow supply shop - but you do what ya gotta do. Good luck friend.
So my humidity dome's top is to high and my seedlings started to strech so I'm keeping it off now but they are still very young. 2 weeks for 2 and 1 1/2 for the others.they really should be in a dome but since they can't will it slow down grow?
I use 2" net pots upside down to get my seedlings closer to the top of the dome and light lol stops the stretch a little until you can remove the dome and get the light closer. Have also use the little paper starter pots
Oh i believe you when you mention that you brought everything from the hydrostore. The mark up they charge you is insane. Take for example nutrient brand you can get on amazon will cost you 3X -4X more in a hydro store.

I would have went to a hardware store and amazon and gotten everything at a fraction of the cost.
Oh i believe you when you mention that you brought everything from the hydrostore. The mark up they charge you is insane. Take for example nutrient brand you can get on amazon will cost you 3X -4X more in a hydro store.

I would have went to a hardware store and amazon and gotten everything at a fraction of the cost.
Ya, your right. I just have little self control once I get started