My SCROG "Grow Cart" on wheels

because i can treat a woman right because i can comfort, listen , and ake advise and you know ill do you right plus we could grow togther and i would have beats with you on who would have the best crop haha ;-)


plus people alwas ask me Hazy why are you so happy and confident ,most the time i reply well i alwas try to look at the best of thing the cups all ways half full, plus me having a big penis helps to haha

Sorry had to say it

I love the postive part I am that way also very happy and confident......lmfao over the big penis...that may have been where you lost me....a big big one isnt really that much fun to me a medium is know 9 is like my top
Haha yea i though it may have been over board but it was worth it if i made you laugh

i only wish i could realy meet a girl that grew omg i would get married to her haha

But muzic i dont hear anything haha but if i had the power to put music on her with my post i would put some Marven Gay on for you my dearly beloved
omigod...marvin gaye...thats on my ipod I love lets get it on....big smiles...i live to far away for you to marry me...and its too cold where you are
Were do i live???? hmmm i got houses every were no lie realy i do columbus, Toledo , Florida, England, and one in Turkey
hehehe sorry am just showing off now this is bad

sorry for spamming in you journal

But realy you never know were life leads on every day is a new journey

and for every dark night there is a bright day after that, hopfully one day we will meet and ill roll you a 6g blunt.
everyday is a new journey and im up for new journeys recently lol! houses everywhere hummm i see myself in house everywhere...i would def like to know more about you...
haha Realy well what would you like to know about me Sen yo Rita??

Am a open book me love read away or ask haha

And i would love to get to know you as well, i alwas like to meet new people especially people who grow and even more girls that grow haha i dont know if there is anything sexier well girl on couchrockets are pretty haha
hehe flower my self ??? haha what i would flower you right now your in my veg stage haha dont get me wrong your a great strain but ill be your 12/12 to flower ;)

and what now about your journal me lady??
19 yrs 175lbs haha this is weird hahaa
6ft tall blue /gray eyes dark brown hair
Born in Ohio half English (dads side)and half Turkish(Moms side)
you can call me Hazy

Yea that the samething my last girlfriend said but i changed her mind too
like i said when someone can make you feel like your the only thing that matters in the world it does not matter

so what do U look like haha
haha i seee u have a poet in you hmmm

you sound delight full but 31 thats not old at all your at your peak and so am i and i dont mean the climax of my life