My SCROG "Grow Cart" on wheels


Well-Known Member
Spider mites come in all sorts of colours and shapes and they all eat plants.
Red mites eat any plant that they can find whereas the clear mites are more fussy.
The best natural predator for spider mites is Phytoseiulus persimilis.
As far as i know ladybugs do eat spider mites but they prefer aphids.:blsmoke:
Phytoseiulus persimilis


Well-Known Member
BTW DERTMAGERT, this is your formal invite to post when sober in my journal *big smile*

shit.. thats just as bad as telling me i cant post anymore!!! i read this the day u PMed me and the day u posted it... but this is the first time ive been sober for 5 minutes (i just woke up). . better get in my response while i can...

plants are looking nice.. i think i read something in your journal about your light.. u got it? im gonna keep on reading .. i have some catching up to do...


Well-Known Member
I have my 400 8" away from the tops of the plant.
You may even notice slight bleaching of the tops but don't worry about it.
I previously didn't recommend this distance because it is more risky as you have to keep a closer eye on them in case they have a growth spurt and get burned:blsmoke:

i second this.. i have my 430w hps at exactly 8 inches.. i had the plants at about 12-14 inches for about 5 weeks of the flowering because i was dealing with the heat in florida, but i moved them closer ( 8" ) and they have really been getting fatter every day.. no burns or nothing.. and my light does not have an air cooled hood... i just mounted a circulation fan on the wall angled blowing right up into the light from pne side and my 295cfm exhaust blower sucking air from the other side.. works like a charm


Well-Known Member
shit.. thats just as bad as telling me i cant post anymore!!! i read this the day u PMed me and the day u posted it... but this is the first time ive been sober for 5 minutes (i just woke up). . better get in my response while i can...

plants are looking nice.. i think i read something in your journal about your light.. u got it? im gonna keep on reading .. i have some catching up to do...
Okay okay Dert you can post when your arent sober but not if you are in a pissy shots of RUM all day mood.....I missed you welcome back!!!


Well-Known Member
The thing is I dont see anything on the plants in my room, no disclorations not eating of the leaves....I see this one little random peice of rice that flies when I try to kill it but its only on of them......I tried to take a pic just now of it but to no avail..

Spider mites come in all sorts of colours and shapes and they all eat plants.
Red mites eat any plant that they can find whereas the clear mites are more fussy.
The best natural predator for spider mites is Phytoseiulus persimilis.
As far as i know ladybugs do eat spider mites but they prefer aphids.:blsmoke: Phytoseiulus persimilis
Wikipedia calls this a spider mite: that reddish one is like what I saw on the mutants that are outside, nothing like this is present on the ones indoors.

And wikipedia says this about the ladybugs: Most coccinellids are beneficial to gardeners in general, as they feed on aphids, scale insects, mealybugs, and mites throughout the year.

I AM NOT ARGUEING AT ALL Im just telling you were I got my background info that correlated with the owner of the hydro shop who ran a successful green house/nursery for many years advice on the ladybugs...

Can I buy the Phytoseiulus persimilis. and if so ewwwwwwwwwwwww I dont play with any more bugs...but I also hate bugspray......ewwww

Honestly I dont see anything in my grow room, and I know that I have to be vigilant in watching for anything but I really dont want to overreact AS I have been known to do in the Im on a level orange alert

and honestly I dont want much more of the food chain in my house.....1st it was the plant, then the fungus gnats on eating the roots, the I got nematodes to each the gnat larvae, then maybe mites and ladybugs to eat all manner of will I need a birds of prey to eat my ladybugs and Phytoseiulus persimilis. lol Im kidding so kidding....but Im seriously not getting a bird of any sort!!


Well-Known Member
i second this.. i have my 430w hps at exactly 8 inches.. i had the plants at about 12-14 inches for about 5 weeks of the flowering because i was dealing with the heat in florida, but i moved them closer ( 8" ) and they have really been getting fatter every day.. no burns or nothing.. and my light does not have an air cooled hood... i just mounted a circulation fan on the wall angled blowing right up into the light from pne side and my 295cfm exhaust blower sucking air from the other side.. works like a charm
I agree. I had my 400 M/H-HPS set around 10" most of the time and did the same shit with my fans. I did move the light up though for more coverage. But I haven't had any temp issues, and my shits in the attic.


Well-Known Member
Phytoseiulus persimilis
these things are so small you'll never even notice em but it does take up to 3 weeks for them to get is under control so you may need to re-apply them...also there are 3 type's of mite pred bugs...for all diff condition's look into which is best for you...i will once again recomend einstein oil peace az...


Well-Known Member
these things are so small you'll never even notice em but it does take up to 3 weeks for them to get is under control so you may need to re-apply them...also there are 3 type's of mite pred bugs...for all diff condition's look into which is best for you...i will once again recomend einstein oil peace az...
I will once again ask you where to get IT~

Originally Posted by Azgrow
spidermites are the not let them get a foot hold or your'll be fighting a constant least get some einstein oil...peace az

They have no foothold, the two mutants that have them are outside and not coming back in. The rest of the girls all dif genetics from the mutants but same as each other are showing no signs of movement in terms of mites....Im aware that if Im seeing the mites in small amounts today then they have been with me for a few days to a week. However I think getting the lady bugs in there pretty early will save I have plenty left over to disperse and I saw two humping:hump:in the grow room so that means Ill have some larvae that will hang out long after the ones I have are gone....I feel really confident about my position on the mites....

where do you get the einstein oil??
Pink's SCROG thread is OPEN w/new


Well-Known Member
just keep an eye out....on dry days those lil bastards re-produce like no other....i have seen buds get tp'd in 1 day...peace az


Well-Known Member
just keep an eye out....on dry days those lil bastards re-produce like no other....i have seen buds get tp'd in 1 day...peace az
I just looked at the one mutant that is quarintened in the shed outside and its been snowing on it....Im about to bleach and kill that bitch...

the other one that is female is in the yard hiding behind some flowers she looks pretty good but eh I dont care about her even though its cool as hell to see those female flowers......

I am pretty neurotic about my room and im in there inspecting and loving several times a day...i feel so positive about the grow room though...


Well-Known Member
look at it this way mites are like plant herpes you could'a got lucky or its waiting to show signs...peace az


Well-Known Member
They can come on fast> I saw some one day and in just a few days the plants were covered with a wab and they were every where. I had to get them out but was afraid to move the plant as I didnt want to just have them fall off as I went through the house. So....Being the stoner that I am I thought , hey I should use the vacuum to get them off. So here I am like a knuckle head sucking buds in and out of the hose. Along with tons of resin. When I was done the webs were gone as well as lose of the mites so I baged it up and tossed it in a random dumpster. So then im sound asleep and jump up going nuts cuz I just now realize the vacuum is full of mites. yuck!! I put on some clothes and put that in the dumpster also. Like I said before I never did get rid of them till I moved. Wow ive ben smoking to much im rambling. Anyhow now I have a barrier of two sided carpet tape all the way around the grow, this way if those little bastards try to crawl in the will get caught in the tape and never get to my plants. well thats the idea anyhow.


Well-Known Member
normally mites are introduced via new clones as well as your own cloths an pets....a though cleaning of one's self an not aloowing animals in is one way to help stem the flow of them shits....peace az


Well-Known Member
Omigod this had me laughin so hard in my car at the store just now,Im reading it on my blackberry laughing my ass off.....I cant believe someone who had the forethought not to smoke resin of his finger cuz he didnt want to smoke skin...wouldnt think the vacuum cleaner thing through before all that....but you still did exactly what I would do throw the damn vacuum cleaner away asap ha ha

They can come on fast> I saw some one day and in just a few days the plants were covered with a wab and they were every where. I had to get them out but was afraid to move the plant as I didnt want to just have them fall off as I went through the house. So....Being the stoner that I am I thought , hey I should use the vacuum to get them off. So here I am like a knuckle head sucking buds in and out of the hose. Along with tons of resin. When I was done the webs were gone as well as lose of the mites so I baged it up and tossed it in a random dumpster. So then im sound asleep and jump up going nuts cuz I just now realize the vacuum is full of mites. yuck!! I put on some clothes and put that in the dumpster also. Like I said before I never did get rid of them till I moved. Wow ive ben smoking to much im rambling. Anyhow now I have a barrier of two sided carpet tape all the way around the grow, this way if those little bastards try to crawl in the will get caught in the tape and never get to my plants. well thats the idea anyhow.


Well-Known Member
normally mites are introduced via new clones as well as your own cloths an pets....a though cleaning of one's self an not aloowing animals in is one way to help stem the flow of them shits....peace az

good to know since I spotted them yesterday Ive been washing my hand in alchohol before I touch any other plants...and I will keep my dogs out of the room which they hardly come in now...and I will also see about getting some scrubs, a face mask, and some booties to enter my room ha ha kidding on the that but I am taking you seriously and doing my best to minimize cross contaimination..


Well-Known Member
Well the verdict is still out on whether or not Im going to get to use my 400 roomie had been tripping off the heat signature of 10-100w cfls and cut me back to 5 and a t8....I tried to explain to her that the cfls were not putting out enough for a heat signature now she is tripping out on what she calls a nuclear reactor.....the hps light and hood...she hasnt seen the ballast yet????? so huh.....

EDIT:::I have only ever had 3 cfls on Elizabeth and I told my roomie I cant do it on 3 lights I might as well kill everything it cant be done...its a total waste..