my second grow going micro cfl


well this is my second grow now and im using fox farm ocean forest for my first transplant into 6x6x6 square pots the strains are ak47 w/ cherry phenom, sweet tooth, and herojuana X2 so 4 plants totall.
i vegged the clones untill about 8-10 inches 2-3 weeks after rooting im using 2 42 watt cfls and 7 26 watt cfls and will add as i go if needed day time temp stays on average 79-83 degrees and a steady 78 durring the night cycle.
i was wanting to micro and lollipop the plants because the room im using is narrow. 2.5 ft x 6ft x 6ft tall and temps are keeping me from using HPS or other hot bulbs.

i posted a pic and am open to any critisizim you guys can throw at me, ill keep pics posted bongsmilie



forgot a couple of other details, Im only using big bloom and tiger bloom when i switched to flowering the day i took the above pics only watering when soil is fairly dry.
the room im using has all the water and electrical hook ups you would need for a washer and dryer so i have only one exhaust/fresh air vent... i dint know wich would be more important to the plant since it was my first grow when i set up the room so i went with fresh air and made an exhaust fan connected to a card board box with light traps inside and so i dont have to cut holes in doors im using 2 layers of the thick light dampening curtains you get from walmart

also my last harvet i grew one banana og kush and one skywalker... thinking that i wlud be able to obtain more clones from the dispensary i bought them from the one strain i wanted was skywalker (Very potent with mild blueberry) the dispensary no longer carried the strain so i cut a couple very late flowering clones